About webhook event types
View the payload structures of the webhook event types that are currently supported by the Equals Money API.
An account has been created and all KYC checks have been successfully completed. This is the first event received during the onboarding process.
This is a legacy notification.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"customerId": "123456789",
"eventTime": "2023-05-31T15:59:17.613Z",
"status": "applicationPending",
"type": "Business",
"messageId": "0473b4d0-2f69-4bc5-ab7b-94589a4e48ba",
"webhookEventTypeName": "AccountCreated"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"customerId": "string",
"eventTime": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the newly-created account. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
customerId string |
The ID of the customer. Allowable values: A valid string |
eventTime string |
The date and time at which the webhook event was created, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
status string |
The status of the account. Allowable values: applicationPending |
type string |
The type of account. Allowable values: Business , Personal |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: AccountCreated |
An account has been opened and is ready to trade on, with active settlement details. This is the final event in the onboarding process.
"body": {
"correlationId": "4333f2ef-8f1a-4b9e-92d8-42a00689883b",
"createdAt": "2023-01-30T08:30:00Z",
"details": {
"countryOfRegistration": "United Kingdom",
"fourthLine": "ACME",
"name": "ACME",
"timezone": "Europe/London"
"id": "F12345",
"marketId": "e644ba77-7cb5-419b-8bea-57240e8ae21d",
"primaryOwnerPersonaId": "e1a0720b-b78a-4b6b-a18d-e9e7d5a52bb0",
"productId": "3135d763-551c-4289-b002-ea812bbd0d71",
"settlementDetails": [
"currency": "GBP",
"sortCode": "23-18-84",
"accountNumber": "53448377",
"ibans": [
"iban": "GB33SPPV23188453448377",
"bic": "SPPVGB2LXXX"
"accountName": "William Walker",
"bankName": "Brilliant Bank",
"bankAddress": "41 Middle Street\nEnfield\nEN1 3JY\nUnited Kingdom",
"balanceReference": null
"currency": "EUR",
"ibans": [
"iban": "GB33SPPV23188453448377",
"bic": "SPPVGB2LXXX"
"accountName": "William Walker",
"bankName": "Brilliant Bank",
"bankAddress": "41 Middle Street\nEnfield\nEN1 3JY\nUnited Kingdom",
"balanceReference": null
"currency": "USD",
"ibans": [
"iban": "GB33SPPV23188453448377",
"bic": "SPPVGB2LXXX"
"accountName": "William Walker",
"bankName": "Brilliant Bank",
"bankAddress": "41 Middle Street\nEnfield\nEN1 3JY\nUnited Kingdom",
"balanceReference": null
"status": "active",
"type": "Business",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-30T08:30:00Z",
"messageId": "dbf14241-0ea2-41c3-8931-3cf064170118",
"webhookEventTypeName": "AccountActivated"
"body": {
"correlationId": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"details": {
"countryOfRegistration": "string",
"fourthLine": "string",
"name": "string",
"timezone": "string"
"id": "string",
"marketId": "string",
"primaryOwnerPersonaId": "string",
"productId": "string",
"settlementDetails": [
"currency": "string",
"sortCode": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"ibans": [
"iban": "string",
"bic": "string"
"accountName": "string",
"bankName": "string",
"bankAddress": "string",
"balanceReference": "string"
"currency": "string",
"ibans": [
"iban": "string",
"bic": "string"
"accountName": "string",
"bankName": "string",
"bankAddress": "string",
"balanceReference": "string"
"currency": "string",
"ibans": [
"iban": "string",
"bic": "string"
"accountName": "string",
"bankName": "string",
"bankAddress": "string",
"balanceReference": "string"
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
correlationId string |
The ID that represents the link between the asynchronous request made to onboard an account and the webhook. Allowable values: A valid string |
createdAt string |
The date and time at which the resource was created, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
details object |
Details about the account. Allowable values: A valid details object containing the following fields: countryOfRegistration , fourthLine , name , timezone |
details.countryOfRegistration string |
The country that the account was registered in. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
details.fourthLine string |
The line that appears below the name on the payment card. For example, Equals Money . This is only for business accounts. Allowable values: <= 21 characters |
details.name string |
The name of the account. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
details.timezone string |
The account's timezone. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
id string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
marketId string |
The ID of the market that the account is in. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
primaryOwnerPersonaID string |
The persona ID of the account's Primary Owner. Allowable values: A valid personaId (<= 36 characters) |
productId string |
The ID of the product. Allowable values: A valid productId (<= 36 characters) |
status string |
The status of the account. Allowable values: active |
type string |
The type of account. Allowable values: Business , Personal |
settlementDetails object |
The account's settlement details. Allowable values: A valid settlementDetails object containing the following fields: currency , sortCode , accountNumber , ibans , accountName , bankName , bankAddress , balanceReference |
currency string |
The currency of the bank account, in ISO 4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
sortCode string |
The sort code. This is only present for GBP budgets. Allowable values: <= 32 characters |
accountNumber string |
The account number. This is only present for GBP budgets. Allowable values: <= 34 characters |
ibans string |
Details about the IBAN and BIC. Allowable values: A valid ibans object containing the following fields: iban , bic |
ibans.iban string |
The International Bank Account Number (IBAN). Allowable values: <= 100 characters |
ibans.bic string |
The Bank Identifier Code (BIC). Allowable values: ^[a-zA-Z]{6}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})? |
accountName string |
The name of the bank account. Allowable values: A valid string |
bankName string |
The name of the bank that the bank account is held with. Allowable values: A valid string |
bankAddress string |
The address of the bank that the bank account is held with. Allowable values: A valid string |
balanceReference string or null |
The balance reference. Allowable values: A valid string |
updatedAt string |
The date and time at which the resource was last modified, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: AccountActivated |
ID verification was requested.
"body": {
"name": "William Walker",
"email": "william@example.com",
"accountId": "F12345",
"status": "PENDING",
"requiredAction": "identityVerificationCheck",
"messageId": "66854098-aac7-4084-938e-bc2e62fb6a44",
"webhookEventTypeName": "KycUpdate"
"body": {
"name": "string",
"email": "string",
"accountId": "string",
"status": "string",
"requiredAction": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the account. Allowable values: An existing name |
email string |
The email of the account. Allowable values: An existing email |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
status string |
The status of the journey. Allowable values: PENDING , DECLINED , COMPLETED |
requiredAction string |
The action requird to progress application. Allowable values: uploadProofOfAddress , identityVerificationCheck |
actionUrl string |
The URL for the corresponding requiredAction .Allowable values: actionUrl |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: KycUpdate |
A recipient was created.
"body": {
"accountId": "e644ba77-7cb5-419b-8bea-57240e8ae21d",
"isIban": "true",
"isNcc": "false",
"isSwift": "false",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"reasonForTransfer": "Payment",
"recipientBankCountry": "GB",
"recipientBankCurrency": "GBP",
"recipientCity": "London",
"recipientCountry": "United Kingdom",
"uniqueId": "4333f2ef-8f1a-4b9e-92d8-42a00689883b",
"messageId": "9e4f387d-a60c-45f0-b38b-37a5ceefd43f",
"webhookEventTypeName": "RecipientCreated"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"isIban": boolean,
"isNcc": boolean,
"isSwift": boolean,
"name": "string",
"reasonForTransfer": "string",
"recipientBankCountry": "string",
"recipientBankCurrency": "string",
"recipientCity": "string",
"recipientCountry": "string",
"uniqueId": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
isIban boolean |
Whether or not the banking information provided for the recipient was an International Bank Account Number (IBAN). Allowable values: true , false |
isNcc boolean |
Whether or not the banking information provided for the recipient was a National Clearing Code (NCC). Allowable values: true , false |
isSwift boolean |
Whether or not the banking information provided for the recipient was a SWIFT account. Allowable values: true , false |
name string |
The name of the recipient. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
reasonForTransfer string |
The reason for the transfer. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
recipientBankCountry string |
The country of the recipient's bank, in ISO 3166-1 format. Allowable values: <= 2 characters |
recipientBankCurrency string |
The currency of the recipient's bank account, in ISO 4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
recipientCity string |
The city of the recipient. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
recipientCountry string |
The country of the recipient. Allowable values: ^[A-Z]{2}$ |
uniqueId string |
The ID of the newly-created recipient. This is also known as the recipientId . Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: RecipientCreated |
A recipient was deleted.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"uniqueId": "dbf14241-0ea2-41c3-8931-3cf064170118",
"messageId": "66854098-aac7-4084-938e-bc2e62fb6a44",
"webhookEventTypeName": "RecipientDeleted"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"uniqueId": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
uniqueId string |
The ID of the recipient that was deleted. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: RecipientDeleted |
A budget was credited.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"budgetId": "4db84122-9c4e-4607-98f7-84b2bbe02daf",
"source": "orders",
"identification": "231884",
"institutionBic": "88604892",
"institutionAddress": null,
"schemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"reference": "REF 123456",
"remitterAddress": null,
"remitterName": "Sally Smith",
"budgetName": "Marketing",
"settlementPriceAmount": 0.5,
"settlementPriceCurrency": "EUR",
"paymentMethod": "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer",
"boxTransactionId": 1234567,
"ledgerBalance": "19.99",
"sequentialId": "10",
"valueDateTime": "2024-04-30T06:26:17.297Z",
"messageId": "b04b2d4a-0ae7-4125-9389-15bb6d47645c",
"webhookEventTypeName": "BoxCredited"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"budgetId": "string",
"source": "string",
"identification": "string",
"institutionBic": "",
"institutionAddress": null,
"schemeName": "string",
"reference": "string",
"remitterAddress": null,
"remitterName": "string",
"budgetName": "string",
"settlementPriceAmount": number,
"settlementPriceCurrency": "string",
"paymentMethod": "string",
"boxTransactionId": integer,
"ledgerBalance": "string",
"sequentialId": "string",
"valueDateTime": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
budgetId string |
The ID of the budget that was credited. Allowable values: An existing budgetId |
source string |
The type of event that triggered the credit:
exchange , internal_transfer , external_credit , orders |
identification string |
The remitter's account identifier. Allowable values: A bank account number ( ^\d{8,17}$ ) or IBAN (<= 100 characters) |
institutionBic string |
The identifier of the remitter's bank. Allowable values: A sort code ( ^\d{6}$ ) or BIC (^[a-zA-Z]{6}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})? ) |
institutionAddress string or null |
The address of the remitter's bank. Allowable values: <= 109 characters |
schemeName string |
The name of the scheme. Allowable values: UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber , UK.OBIE.IBAN |
reference string |
The payment reference sent by the remitter. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
remitterAddress string or null |
The address of the remitter. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
remitterName string |
The name of the remitter. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
budgetName string |
The name of the budget that was credited. Allowable values: An existing budgetName (<= 75 characters) |
settlementPriceAmount number |
The settlement amount. Allowable values: A valid number |
settlementPriceCurrency string |
The currency of the settlement, in ISO 4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
paymentMethod string |
The name of the payment method used, in Open Banking's standard format. Allowable values: UK.OBIE.FPS , UK.OBIE.BACS , UK.OBIE.CHAPS , UK.OBIE.SWIFT , UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer , UK.OBIE.SEPACreditTransfer |
boxTransactionId integer |
The ID of the budget transaction. Allowable values: A valid integer |
ledgerBalance string |
The ledger balance after the debit has been applied. Allowable values: A valid string |
sequentialId integer |
An incrementing number representing the latest balance. Allowable values: A valid string |
valueDateTime integer |
The date and time at which the ledger was updated, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: BoxCredited |
A budget was debited.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"boxTransactionId": 8622112,
"budgetId": "42082c6b-4ab2-4bf6-b71f-287ge74a66c3",
"budgetName": "Marketing",
"identification": "231884",
"institutionBic": "88604892",
"institutionAddress": null,
"orderId": "E7PD93VMX3MC",
"paymentMethod": "UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer",
"reference": "",
"schemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"settlementPriceAmount": 40000,
"settlementPriceCurrency": "USD",
"source": "orders",
"ledgerBalance": "19.99",
"sequentialId": "10",
"valueDateTime": "2024-04-30T06:26:17.297Z",
"messageId": "f10bf4e9-bf1a-49e0-b10a-a461bf5659f8",
"webhookEventTypeName": "BoxDebited"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"boxTransactionId": integer,
"budgetId": "string",
"budgetName": "string",
"identification": "string",
"institutionBic": "string",
"institutionAddress": "string",
"orderId": "string",
"paymentMethod": "string",
"reference": "string",
"schemeName": "string",
"settlementPriceAmount": number,
"settlementPriceCurrency": "string",
"source": "string",
"ledgerBalance": "number",
"sequentialId": "string",
"valueDateTime": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
boxTransactionId integer |
The ID of the budget transaction. Allowable values: A valid integer |
budgetId string |
The ID of the budget that was debited. Allowable values: An existing budgetId |
budgetName string |
The name of the budget that was debited. Allowable values: An existing budgetName (<= 75 characters) |
identification string |
The recipients's account identifier. Allowable values: A bank account number ( ^\d{8,17}$ ) or IBAN (<= 100 characters) |
institutionBic string |
The identifier of the recipient's bank. Allowable values: A sort code ( ^\d{6}$ ) or BIC (^[a-zA-Z]{6}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})? ) |
institutionAddress string or null |
The address of the recipient's bank. Allowable values: <= 109 characters |
orderId string |
The ID of the order. Allowable values: A valid orderId (12 characters) |
paymentMethod string |
The name of the payment method used, in Open Banking's standard format. Allowable values: UK.OBIE.FPS , UK.OBIE.BACS , UK.OBIE.CHAPS , UK.OBIE.SWIFT , UK.OBIE.BalanceTransfer , UK.OBIE.SEPACreditTransfer |
reference string |
The payment reference sent by the remitter. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
schemeName string |
The name of the scheme. Allowable values: UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber , UK.OBIE.IBAN |
settlementPriceAmount number |
The settlement amount. Allowable values: A valid number |
settlementPriceCurrency string |
The currency of the settlement, in ISO 4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
source string |
The type of event that triggered the debit:
Allowable values: exchange , internal_transfer , orders |
ledgerBalance string |
The ledger balance after the debit has been applied. Allowable values: A valid string |
sequentialId integer |
An incremental number representing the latest balance. Allowable values: A valid string |
valueDateTime integer |
The date and time at which the ledger was updated, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: BoxDebited |
An order was created.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"orderId": "M35TVZVMB4NYPO",
"payments": [
"settlementDate": "2023-05-27T21:41:50Z",
"rate": 1,
"inverseRate": 1,
"internalReference": "Payroll",
"externalReference": "Payday",
"from": {
"amount": 5,
"currency": "USD"
"to": {
"amount": 5,
"currency": "USD"
"recipient": {
"id": "g54rt034",
"name": "Jane Doe"
"status": "created",
"messageId": "2f25e9bb-4dd0-4427-8af5-48ac9ba8b185",
"webhookEventTypeName": "OrderCreated"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"orderId": "string",
"payments": [
"settlementDate": "string",
"rate": number,
"inverseRate": number,
"from": {
"amount": number,
"currency": "string"
"to": {
"amount": number,
"currency": "string"
"recipient": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"status": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account that created the order. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
orderId string |
The ID of the newly-created order. Allowable values: A valid orderId (12 characters) |
payments object |
Details about the payment. Allowable values: A valid payments object containing the following fields: payAllCharges , settlementDate , rate , inverseRate , internalReference , externalReference , from , to , recipient |
payments.settlementDate string |
The settlement date. Allowable values: ^20[0-9]{2}[0-2]{1}[0-9]{1}[0-3]{1}[0-9]{1}$ |
payments.rate number |
The rate. Allowable values: A valid number |
payments.inverseRate number |
The inverse rate. Allowable values: A valid number |
payments.internalReference string |
The payment reference that you see. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
payments.externalReference string |
The payment reference that the recipient sees. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
from object |
Details about the payment source. Allowable values: amount , currency |
from.amount string |
The amount in the source currency. Allowable values: A valid number |
from.currency string |
The source currency, in in ISO-4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
to object |
Details about the payment destination. Allowable values: amount , currency |
to.amount string |
The amount in the destination currency. Allowable values: A valid number |
to.currency string |
The destination currency, in ISO-4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
recipient object |
Details about the recipient of the payment. Allowable values: id , name |
recipient.id string |
The ID of the recipient. Allowable values: An existing recipientId |
recipient.name string |
The name of the recipient. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
status string |
The status of the order. Allowable values: created |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: OrderCreated |
An order was successfully completed.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"orderId": "M35TVZVMB4NYPO",
"payments": [
"settlementDate": "2023-05-27T21:41:50Z",
"rate": 1,
"inverseRate": 1,
"internalReference": "Payroll",
"externalReference": "Payday",
"from": {
"amount": 5,
"currency": "USD"
"to": {
"amount": 5,
"currency": "USD"
"recipient": {
"id": "g54rt034",
"name": "Jane Doe"
"status": "complete",
"messageId": "2f25e9bb-4dd0-4427-8af5-48ac9ba8b185",
"webhookEventTypeName": "OrderCompleted"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"orderId": "string",
"payments": [
"settlementDate": "string",
"rate": number,
"inverseRate": number,
"externalReference": "string",
"from": {
"amount": number,
"currency": "string"
"to": {
"amount": number,
"currency": "string"
"recipient": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"status": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account that created the order. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
orderId string |
The ID of the completed order. Allowable values: A valid orderId (12 characters) |
payments object |
Details about the payment. Allowable values: A valid payments object containing the following fields: payAllCharges , settlementDate , rate , inverseRate , internalReference , externalReference , from , to , recipient |
payments.settlementDate string |
The settlement date. Allowable values: ^20[0-9]{2}[0-2]{1}[0-9]{1}[0-3]{1}[0-9]{1}$ |
payments.rate number |
The rate. Allowable values: A valid number |
payments.inverseRate number |
The inverse rate. Allowable values: A valid number |
payments.internalReference string |
The payment reference that you see. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
payments.externalReference string |
The payment reference that the recipient sees. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
from object |
Details about the payment source. Allowable values: amount , currency |
from.amount string |
The amount in the source currency. Allowable values: A valid number |
from.currency string |
The source currency, in in ISO-4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
to object |
Details about the payment destination. Allowable values: amount , currency |
to.amount string |
The amount in the destination currency.. Allowable values: A valid number |
to.currency string |
The destination currency, in ISO-4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
recipient object |
Details about the recipient of the payment. Allowable values: id , name |
recipient.id string |
The ID of the recipient. Allowable values: An existing recipientId |
recipient.name string |
The name of the recipient. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
status string |
The status of the order. Allowable values: complete |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: OrderCompleted |
An order was cancelled.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"orderId": "M35TVZVMB4NYPO",
"payments": [
"amount": "2000",
"externalReference": "PAY-45321",
"fundsSettled": "true",
"internalReference": "PAY-45321",
"payAllCharges": "true",
"recipientId": "2471fbf0-cb07-42fc-863e-5979d5773122",
"recipientName": "Jane Doe",
"sepa": "true"
"status": "cancelled",
"messageId": "2f25e9bb-4dd0-4427-8af5-48ac9ba8b185",
"webhookEventTypeName": "OrderCancelled"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"orderId": "string",
"payments": [
"amount": number,
"externalReference": "string",
"fundsSettled": boolean,
"internalReference": "string",
"payAllCharges": boolean,
"recipientId": "string",
"recipientName": "string",
"sepa": boolean
"status": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account that created the order. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
orderId string |
The ID of the order. Allowable values: A valid orderId (12 characters) |
payments object |
Details about the payment. Allowable values: A valid payments object containing the following fields: amount , externalReference , fundsSettled , fundsSettled , internalReference , payAllCharges , recipientId , recipientName , sepa |
payments.amount number |
The value of the payment. Allowable values: A valid number |
payments.externalReference string |
The payment reference that the recipient sees. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
payments.fundsSettled boolean |
Whether or not the payment has been funded. Allowable values: true , false |
payments.internalReference string |
The payment reference that you see. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
payments.payAllCharges boolean |
Whether or not all routing charges are paid for by Equals Money. Allowable values: true , false |
payments.recipientId string |
The ID of the recipient. Allowable values: An existing recipientId |
payments.recipientName string |
The name of the recipient. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
payments.sepa boolean |
Whether or not the payment was a SEPA payment. Allowable values: true , false |
status string |
The status of the order. Allowable values: cancelled |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: OrderCancelled |
A standalone fee was created. For example, a fee for receiving an inbound credit.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"orderId": "E7PD93VMX3MC",
"currency": "GBP",
"relatedCreditId": 48731088,
"createdAt": "2023-01-30T08:30:00Z",
"amount": 20,
"reference": "Fee for payment from William Walker",
"messageId": "4b70ce20-defd-421c-aacc-f0d49ac645e1",
"webhookEventTypeName": "FeeCreated"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"orderId": "string",
"currency": "string",
"relatedCreditId": number,
"createdAt": "string",
"amount": number,
"reference": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
orderId string |
The ID of the order. Allowable values: A valid orderId (12 characters) |
currency string |
The currency of the fee, in ISO-4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
relatedCreditId number |
The related credit ID. If the fee was generated as a result of an inbound credit, this field will be populated with the box transaction ID of the related credit. Allowable values: A valid number |
createdAt string |
The date and time at which the resource was created, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
amount number |
The amount of the fee. Allowable values: A valid number ( =>0 ) |
reference string |
The reference of the fee. This is set by Equals Money. Allowable values: A valid string |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: FeeCreated |
3D Secure (3DS) authentication was requested.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"acsTransactionId": "d7d34e0f-c6e9-4cea-8c25-baaffa81714f",
"authenticationRequestType": "PAYMENT",
"budgetId": "4bf13dc8-d128-4521-99b8-4002b8987499",
"budgetName": "Account balance",
"cardAcceptor": {
"acquirerBin": "526567",
"country": "",
"merchantCategoryCode": "5734",
"merchantId": "123456789012345",
"name": "Computer Co.",
"cardId": "7221d41b-69c3-4fbc-8317-d3210d97b3ab",
"createdTime": "2023-08-04T11:45:40.050Z",
"currency": "GBP",
"maxResponseTime": 8,
"messageVersion": "2.2.0",
"network": "MASTERCARD",
"personId": "cf7c5c33-ba60-4f25-b8b1-0d9f28cf17d2",
"state": "PENDING",
"transaction": {
"amount": 95.99,
"currencyCode": 826,
"exponent": 2,
"subType": "PURCHASE",
"transactionType": "PAYMENT",
"type": "authentication.challenge.out_of_band",
"messageId": "2f25e9bb-4dd0-4427-8af5-48ac9ba8b185",
"webhookEventTypeName": "3DSAuthRequest"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"acsTransactionId": "string",
"authenticationRequestType": "string",
"budgetId": "string",
"budgetName": "string",
"cardAcceptor": {
"acquirerBin": "string",
"country": "string",
"merchantCategoryCode": "string",
"merchantId": "string",
"name": "string",
"cardId": "string",
"createdTime": "string",
"currency": "string",
"maxResponseTime": integer,
"messageVersion": "string",
"network": "string",
"personId": "string",
"state": "string",
"transaction": {
"amount": number,
"currencyCode": integer,
"exponent": integer,
"subType": "string",
"transactionType": "string",
"type": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
acsTransactionId string |
The ID of the transaction, as assigned by the issuing bank's Access Control Server (ACS). Allowable values: 36 characters |
authenticationRequestType string |
The type of authentication request (AReq). Allowable values: PAYMENT , RECURRING , INSTALLMENT , ADD_CARD , MAINTAIN_CARD , EMV_CARDHOLDER_VERIFICATION |
budgetId string |
The ID of the budget associated with the card that 3DS authentication was requested for. Allowable values: An existing budgetId (<= 36 characters) |
budgetName string |
The name of the budget. Allowable values: An existing budgetName (<= 75 characters) |
cardAcceptor object |
Details about the merchant with which the transaction is being made. Allowable values: A valid cardAcceptor object containing the following fields: acquirerBin , country , merchantCategoryCode , merchantId , name |
cardAcceptor.acquirerBin string |
The identification code of the acquiring institution, as assigned by the payment network (DS) receiving the authentication request message. Allowable values: <= 11 characters |
cardAcceptor.country string |
The country that the merchant is based in, in ISO 3166-1 format. Allowable values: 2-3 characters |
cardAcceptor.merchantCategoryCode string |
The merchant category code (MCC). Allowable values: <= 4 characters |
cardAcceptor.merchantId string |
The ID of the merchant, as assigned by the acquirer. Allowable values: <= 35 characters |
cardAcceptor.name string |
The name of the merchant. Allowable values: <= 40 characters |
cardId string |
The ID of the card. Allowable values: An existing cardId (<= 36 characters) |
cardToken string |
The token that represents the card. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
createdTime string |
The date and time at which the authentication request was created, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
currency string |
The numeric code of the currency used in the transaction, in ISO 4217 format. For example, 826 for GBP.Allowable values: 3 characters |
maxResponseTime integer |
The maximum period of time, in minutes, that the 3DS Requestor will wait for an ACS to provide the results of a decoupled authentication transaction. Allowable values: 1-10080 |
messageVersion string |
The 3DS protocol version used by the 3DS Requestor. Allowable values: 5-8 characters |
network string |
The card network associated with the authentication request. Allowable values: MASTERCARD , VISA |
personId string |
The ID of the person. Allowable values: An existing personId (<= 36 characters) |
state string |
The status of the authentication request. Allowable values: PENDING , SUCCESS , FAILED |
transaction object |
Details about the transaction. Allowable values: A valid transaction object containing the following fields: amount , currencyCode , exponent , subType , transactionType |
transaction.amount number |
The transaction amount, in minor units of currency and with all punctuation removed. For example, £1.99 would be 199 .Allowable values: A valid number, without punctuation |
transaction.currencyCode integer |
The currency code of the currency used in the transaction, in ISO 4217 format (numeric). For example, 826 .Allowable values: 3 characters |
transaction.exponent integer |
The decimal relationship between the currency and its minor unit. For example, 2 for GBP.Allowable values: 1 character |
transaction.subType string |
The type of transaction being authenticated. Allowable values: PURCHASE , ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION , ACCOUNT_FUNDING , QUASI_CASH , PREPAID_ACTIVATION_AND_LOAD |
transaction.transactionType string |
The category of the message. Allowable values: PAYMENT , NON_PAYMENT |
type string |
The type of 3DS authentication, which describes the action to be taken. Allowable values: authentication.decision , authentication.result , authentication.challenge.out_of_band |
userToken string |
The token that identifies the user. Allowable values: 36 characters |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: 3DSAuthRequest |
A card transaction has occurred.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"createdAt": "2023-08-04T08:45:06Z",
"merchant": {
"name": "ACME",
"id": "28edbbe7-9554-4f57-acef-abfcfc2218f5",
"subMerchantId": null,
"address": {
"address": "624 12th Ave S",
"city": "Nampa",
"state": "Illinois",
"postalCode": "83651",
"countryCode": "US",
"merchantCategory": {
"id": "f45f87b8-4920-49a2-8fce-15d0f5fa09d8",
"code": "5734",
"description": "Computer software stores",
"createdAt": "2021-09-10T08:55:06.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-09-10T08:55:06.000Z"
"transaction": {
"id": "9888e73c-3ea6-4911-bbdd-79f9bab5919c",
"transactionGroupId": "fd3a65c7-4075-41ed-8d7e-e457be06f4e4",
"boxTransactionId": "1234567",
"budgetId": "34b61e61-a107-4bea-8efc-edf70c8e8e57",
"budgetName": "Account balance",
"personId": "5add9c37-0d7c-4d14-8192-16e822b3a080",
"status": "COMPLETION",
"type": "pgfs.refund",
"method": "pgfs.refund",
"localAmount": 1,
"localAmountCurrency": "USD",
"feeAmount": 0,
"feeCurrency": "GBP",
"exchangeRate": 1,
"total": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-08-04T08:45:08.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-04T08:45:08.000Z",
"transactionCreatedAt": "2023-08-04T08:45:06Z",
"transactionCompletedAt": "2023-08-04T08:45:06Z",
"approvalCode": "264647",
"pos": {
"cardDataInputCapability": "CHIP",
"cardHolderPresence": true,
"cardPresence": true,
"cardholderAuthenticationMethod": "PIN",
"countryCode": "USA",
"isInstallment": "false",
"isRecurring": "false",
"panEntryMode": "CHIP",
"partialApprovalCapable": false,
"pinEntryMode": "TRUE",
"pinPresent": true,
"purchaseAmountOnly": false,
"specialConditionIndicator": "UNSPECIFIED",
"terminalAttendance": "ATTENDED",
"terminalId": "12345678",
"terminalLocation": "ON_PREMISE",
"terminalType": "AUTO_DISPENSER_WITH_PIN",
"zip": "94111",
"response": {
"code": "0000",
"memo": "Approved or completed successfully"
"card": {
"id": "8aca473d-8906-4283-8aab-964f7c52c61a",
"name": "Marketing team card",
"lastDigits": "1234",
"createdAt": "2023-05-05T20:22:54.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-06-12T21:51:06.000Z"
"messageId": "7c055b43-d309-4fc2-b40d-4f65213a39d6",
"webhookEventTypeName": "CardTransaction"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"merchant": {
"name": "string",
"id": "string",
"subMerchantId": "string",
"address": {
"address": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"merchantCategory": {
"id": "string",
"code": "string",
"description": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"updatedAt": "string"
"transaction": {
"id": "string",
"transactionGroupId": "string",
"boxTransactionId": integer,
"budgetId": "string",
"budgetName": "string",
"personId": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"method": "string",
"localAmount": number,
"localAmountCurrency": "string",
"feeAmount": number,
"feeCurrency": "string",
"exchangeRate": number,
"total": number,
"createdAt": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"transactionCreatedAt": "string",
"transactionCompletedAt": "string",
"approvalCode": "string",
"acquirerReferenceNumber": "string",
"pos": {
"cardDataInputCapability": "string",
"cardHolderPresence": boolean,
"cardPresence": boolean,
"cardholderAuthenticationMethod": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"isInstallment": boolean,
"isRecurring": boolean,
"panEntryMode": "string",
"partialApprovalCapable": boolean,
"pinEntryMode": "string",
"pinPresent": boolean,
"purchaseAmountOnly": boolean,
"specialConditionIndicator": "string",
"terminalAttendance": "string",
"terminalId": "string",
"terminalLocation": "string",
"terminalType": "string",
"zip": "string",
"response": {
"code": "string",
"memo": "string"
"card": {
"id": "string",
"type": "string",
"name": "string",
"lastDigits": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"updatedAt": "string"
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
createdAt string |
The date and time at which the card transaction event was recorded by the Equals Money platform, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
merchant object |
Details about the merchant. Allowable values: A valid merchant object containing the following fields: name , id , subMerchantId , address , merchantCategory |
merchant.name string |
The name of the merchant. Allowable values: A valid string |
merchant.id string |
The ID of the merchant. Allowable values: A valid string |
merchant.subMerchantId string |
The ID of the submerchant. Allowable values: A valid string |
merchant.address object |
Details about the merchant's address. Allowable values: A valid address object containing the following fields: address , city , state , postalCode , countryCode |
merchant.address.address string |
The merchant's street address. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
merchant.address.city string |
The merchant's city. Allowable values: <= 256 characters |
merchant.address.state string |
The merchant's state. Allowable values: A valid string |
merchant.address.postalCode string |
The merchant's postal or ZIP code. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
merchant.address.countryCode string |
The merchant's country. Allowable values: ^[A-Z]{2}$ |
merchant.merchantCategory object |
Details about the merchant category. Allowable values: A valid merchantCategory object containing the following fields: id , code , description , createdAt , updatedAt |
merchant.merchantCategory.id string |
The merchant category ID. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
merchant.merchantCategory.code string |
The merchant category code (MCC). Allowable values: <= 4 characters |
merchant.merchantCategory.description string |
The description of the merchant category. Allowable values: A valid string |
merchant.merchantCategory.createdAt string |
The date and time at which the merchant category was created, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
merchant.merchantCategory.updatedAt string |
The date and time at which the merchant category was last updated, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
transaction object |
Details about the transaction. Allowable values: A valid transaction object containing the following fields: transactionGroupId , boxTransactionId , budgetId , budgetName , personId , status , type , localAmount , localAmountCurrency , feeAmount , feeCurrency , exchangeRate , total , createdAt , updatedAt , transactionCreatedAt , transactionCompletedAt , response |
transaction.id string |
The ID of the budget transaction. Allowable values: A valid string |
transaction.transactionGroupId string |
The ID of the transaction group, which can be used to find all transactions that are part of the same transaction group. Allowable values: A valid string |
transaction.boxTransactionId integer |
The ID of the budget transaction. Allowable values: A valid integer |
transaction.budgetId string |
The ID of the budget that funded the card transaction. Allowable values: An existing budgetId |
transaction.budgetName string |
The name of the budget that funded the card transaction. Allowable values: An existing budgetName (<= 75 characters) |
transaction.personId string |
The ID of the person that initiated the card transaction. Allowable values: An existing personId (<= 36 characters) |
transaction.status string |
The status of the transaction. Allowable values: AUTHORIZATION , PENDING , CLEARING , CLEARED , COMPLETION , REVERSAL |
transaction.type string |
The transaction type. This may be different from the transaction method. Allowable values: card_check , pgfs.adjustment.credit , pgfs.adjustment.debit , pgfs.authorization , pgfs.authorization.account_verification , pgfs.authorization.capture , pgfs.authorization.capture.chargeback , pgfs.authorization.capture.chargeback.reversal , pgfs.authorization.incremental , pgfs.authorization.reversal , pgfs.authorization.standin , pgfs.auth_plus_capture , pgfs.auth_plus_capture.standin , pgfs.balanceinquiry , pgfs.billpayment , pgfs.billpayment.capture , pgfs.billpayment.reversal , pgfs.directdeposit.credit , pgfs.directdeposit.credit.reversal , pgfs.directdeposit.debit , pgfs.directdeposit.debit.reversal , pgfs.dispute.credit , pgfs.dispute.debit , pgfs.force_capture , pgfs.network.load , pgfs.original.credit.authorization , pgfs.original.credit.auth_plus_capture , pgfs.pindebit.chargeback , pgfs.pindebit.chargeback.reversal , pgfs.refund , pgfs.refund.authorization , pgfs.refund.authorization.reversal |
transaction.method string |
The transaction method. This may be different from the transaction type. Allowable values: pgfs.adjustment.credit , pgfs.adjustment.debit , pgfs.auth_plus_capture ,pgfs.auth_plus_capture.reversal , pgfs.auth_plus_capture.standin , pgfs.authorization , pgfs.authorization.account_verification , pgfs.authorization.capture , pgfs.authorization.capture.chargeback , pgfs.authorization.capture.chargeback.reversal , pgfs.authorization.incremental , pgfs.authorization.reversal , pgfs.authorization.standin , pgfs.force_capture , pgfs.original.credit.authorization , pgfs.original.credit.authorization.clearing , pgfs.original.credit.authorization.reversal , pgfs.original.credit.auth_plus_capture , pgfs.original.credit.auth_plus_capture.reversal , pgfs.balanceinquiry , pgfs.pindebit.chargeback , pgfs.pindebit.chargeback.reversal , pgfs.refund , pgfs.refund.authorization , pgfs.refund.authorization.reversal |
transaction.localAmount number |
The transaction amount, in the local currency. Allowable values: A valid number |
transaction.localAmountCurrency string |
The currency of the transaction, in ISO 4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
transaction.feeAmount number |
The amount of the fee passed on from the network. This is not set by Equals Money. Allowable values: A valid number |
transaction.feeCurrency string |
The currency of the fee, in ISO 4217 format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
transaction.exchangeRate number |
The exchange rate. Allowable values: A valid number |
transaction.total number |
The total amount. Allowable values: A valid number |
transaction.createdAt string |
The date and time at which the transaction event was created, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
transaction.updatedAt string |
The date and time at which the transaction event was last updated, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
transaction.transactionCreatedAt string |
The date and time at which a creation event was recorded for this transaction group, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
transaction.transactionCompletedAt string |
The date and time at which a completion event was recorded for this transaction group, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
transaction.approvalCode string |
The transaction's unique approval code, printed on the receipt at point of sale. Allowable values: <= 255 characters |
transaction.acquirerReferenceNumber string |
The acquirer reference number (ARN). Allowable values: A valid string (<= 255 characters) |
transaction.pos object |
Details about the point of sale. Allowable values: A valid pos object containing the following fields: cardDataInputCapability , cardHolderPresence , cardPresence , cardholderAuthenticationMethod , countryCode , isInstallment , isRecurring , panEntryMode , partialApprovalCapable , pinEntryMode , pinPresent , purchaseAmountOnly , specialConditionIndicator , terminalAttendance , terminalId , terminalLocation , terminalType , zip |
transaction.pos.cardDataInputCapability string |
transaction.pos.cardHolderPresence boolean |
Whether or not the cardholder was present during the transaction. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.cardPresence boolean |
Whether or not the card was present during the transaction. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.cardholderAuthenticationMethod string |
The method used to authenticate the cardholder. Allowable values: UNSPECIFIED , NON_AUTHENTICATED , SIGNATURE , PIN , ID_VERIFIED |
transaction.pos.countryCode string |
The country code of the card acceptor or terminal, is ISO 3166 (alpha-3) format. Allowable values: 3 characters |
transaction.pos.isInstallment boolean |
Whether or not the transaction is an installment payment. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.isRecurring boolean |
Whether or not the transaction is recurring. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.panEntryMode string |
The method used for capturing the card primary account number (PAN) during the transaction. Allowable values: UNKNOWN , MANUAL , MAG_STRIPE , MAG_STRIPE_CONTACTLESS , BAR_CODE , OCR , MICR , CHIP , CHIP_CONTACTLESS , CARD_ON_FILE , CHIP_FALLBACK , OTHER |
transaction.pos.partialApprovalCapable boolean |
Whether or not the card acceptor or terminal supports partial-approval transactions. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.pinEntryMode string |
Whether or not the card acceptor or terminal can capture card personal identification numbers (PINs). This field doesn't indicate whether or not a PIN was entered. That information is captured in the transaction.pos.pinPresent field.Allowable values: UNKNOWN , TRUE , FALSE , DEFECTIVE |
transaction.pos.pinPresent boolean |
Whether or not the cardholder entered a PIN during the transaction. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.purchaseAmountOnly boolean |
Whether or not the card acceptor or terminal supports purchase-only approvals. Allowable values: true , false |
transaction.pos.specialConditionIndicator string |
Describes a higher-risk operation, such as a quasi-cash or cryptocurrency transaction. These transactions typically involve non-financial institutions. Allowable values: CRYPTOCURRENCY_PURCHASE , DEBT_PAYMENT , QUASI_CASH , UNSPECIFIED |
transaction.pos.terminalAttendance string |
Whether or not the card acceptor or terminal was attended. Allowable values: UNSPECIFIED , ATTENDED , UNATTENDED , NO_TERMINAL |
transaction.pos.terminalId string |
The card acceptor or terminal identification number. Allowable values: <= 255 characters |
transaction.pos.terminalLocation string |
The location of the card acceptor or terminal. Allowable values: ON_PREMISE , OFF_PREMISE_MERCHANT , OFF_PREMISE_CARDHOLDER , NO_TERMINAL |
transaction.pos.terminalType string |
The type of card acceptor or terminal. Allowable values: AUTO_DISPENSER_WITH_PIN , SELF_SERVICE , LIMITED_AMOUNT , IN_FLIGHT , ECOMMERCE , TRANSPONDER |
transaction.pos.zip string |
The postal or ZIP code of the card acceptor or terminal. Allowable values: <= 10 characters |
transaction.response object |
Details about the response. Allowable values: A valid response object containing the following fields: code , memo |
transaction.response.code string |
The response code describing the final outcome of the transaction. View possible response codes. Allowable values: 4 characters |
transaction.response.memo string |
The description of the verification result, as provided by a transaction participant. Allowable values: =< 99 characters |
card string |
Details about the card. Allowable values: A valid card object containing the following fields: id , type , name , lastDigits , createdAt , updatedAt |
card.id string |
The ID of the card. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
card.type string |
The card's type. Allowable values: VIRTUAL_PAN , PHYSICAL_MSR , PHYSICAL_COMBO |
card.name string |
The name of the card. Allowable values: A valid string |
card.lastDigits string |
The last four digits of the card. Allowable values: 4 characters |
card.createdAt string |
The date and time at which the card was created, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
card.updatedAt string |
The date and time at which the card was last updated, in ISO 8601 format. Allowable values: Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ |
messageId type |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName type |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: CardTransaction |
A card's state was changed.
"body": {
"productName": "EQUALSMONEY",
"accountId": "F12345",
"cardId": "d6dcfdb7-5b31-4627-9513-4321254a8b09",
"cardGroupId": "b71a0b9c-4aa6-4851-94b4-4b72a7e695d2",
"cardType": "VIRTUAL_PAN",
"messageId": "66854098-aac7-4084-938e-bc2e62fb6a44",
"webhookEventTypeName": "CardStateUpdated"
"body": {
"productName": "string",
"accountId": "string",
"cardId": "string",
"cardGroupId": "string",
"cardType": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
productName string |
The name of the product. Allowable values: An existing productName |
accountId string |
The ID of the account. Allowable values: An existing accountId |
cardId string |
The ID of the card. Allowable values: An existing cardId |
cardGroupId string |
The groupID of the card. Allowable values: An existing cardGroupId |
cardType string |
The type of the card. Allowable values: An existing cardType |
state string |
The state of the card. Allowable values: state |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: CardStateUpdated |
A digital wallet token's state has changed. This can be either because a digital wallet token has been created, or because an existing token's state has been updated.
"body": {
"accountId": "F12345",
"cardId": "9e25d1de-80ed-4c18-8fb0-48b0a859e4df",
"cardType": "PHYSICAL_COMBO",
"cardOwnerType": "PEOPLE",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionToken": "4333f2ef-8f1a-4b9e-92d8-42a00689883b",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionChannel": "API",
"digitalWalletToken": "dbf14241-0ea2-41c3-8931-3cf064170118",
"digitalWalletTokenState": "ACTIVE",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionType": "state.activated",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionFulfillmentStatus": "DECISION_GREEN",
"cardState": "ACTIVE",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-30T12:30:12.000Z",
"messageId": "66854098-aac7-4084-938e-bc2e62fb6a44",
"webhookEventTypeName": "DigitalWalletTokenTransition"
"body": {
"accountId": "string",
"cardId": "string",
"cardType": "string",
"cardOwnerType": "string",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionToken": "string",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionChannel": "string",
"digitalWalletToken": "string",
"digitalWalletTokenState": "string",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionType": "string",
"digitalWalletTokenTransitionFulfillmentStatus": "string",
"cardState": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"messageId": "string",
"webhookEventTypeName": "string"
Field | Description |
accountId string |
The ID of the account associated with the digital wallet token. Allowable values: A valid accountId |
cardId string (uuid) |
The ID of the card that the digital wallet token represents. Allowable values: An existing cardId (<= 36 characters) |
cardType string |
The type of card that the digital wallet token represents. Allowable values: VIRTUAL_PAN , PHYSICAL_MSR , PHYSICAL_COMBO |
cardOwnerType string |
The type of owner that the card belongs to: a budget (BUDGET ) or an individual (PEOPLE ).Allowable values: BUDGET , PEOPLE |
digitalWalletTokenTransitionToken string |
The token that represents the digital wallet token's state, rather than the digital wallet itself. Allowable values: <= 36 characters |
digitalWalletTokenTransitionChannel string |
The method through which the digital wallet token transition was initiated. Allowable values: TOKEN_SERVICE_PROVIDER , DIGITAL_WALLET , API , IVR , FRAUD , ADMIN , SYSTEM , TOKEN_SERVICE_PROVIDER_API |
digitalWalletToken string (uuid) |
The digital wallet token. Allowable values: A valid digitalWalletToken (<= 36 characters) |
digitalWalletTokenState string (uuid) |
The newly-updated state of the digital wallet token. For a newly-created digital wallet token, this is set to REQUESTED .Allowable values: REQUESTED , REQUEST_DECLINED , ACTIVE , SUSPENDED , TERMINATED |
digitalWalletTokenTransitionType string |
The type of digital wallet token transition that occurred. Allowable values: fulfillment.requested , state.request_declined , state.activated , state.suspended , state.reinstated , state.terminated , card.swap |
digitalWalletTokenTransitionFulfillmentStatus string |
The fulfillment status of the digital wallet token transition. Allowable values: DECISION_RED , DECISION_YELLOW , DECISION_GREEN , REJECTED , PROVISIONED |
cardState string |
The state of the card. Learn more about card states. Allowable values: ACTIVE , SUSPENDED , TERMINATED , UNACTIVATED , REPLACED |
updatedAt string |
The date and time at which the resource was last modified, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. Allowable values: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ |
messageId string |
The ID of the specific webhook event message. We'll keep retrying to send an event with the same messageId until we receive a 200 response from you.Allowable values: 36 characters |
webhookEventTypeName string |
The name of the webhook event type. Allowable values: AccountCreated |