Step 3: download a statement CSV

A statement is a list of balances and completed transactions that occurred on an account over a given period, which can be up to the day before the date you're making the request. This report is available both in PDF and CSV format.

In this example, we're downloading a CSV version. Learn more about the statement CSV format.

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: ApiKey {apiKey}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "accountId": "{accountId}",
    "email": "{emailAddress}", # Your email address
    "name": "{name}",
    "startDate": "2023-02-15", # The date from which you want to retrieve transactions (includes transactions on this date)
    "endDate": "2023-03-30", # The date until which you want to retrieve transactions (at least one day before today)
    "currencyCodes": "eur,gbp,usd", # The ISO-4217 code of one or more currencies to retrieve transactions for
    "budgetIds": [
      "{budgetId}" # The ID of one or more budgets to retrieve transactions for
    "fileFormat": "csv"
curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: ApiKey {apiKey}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "accountId": "{accountId}",
    "email": "{emailAddress}", # Your email address
    "name": "{name}",
    "startDate": "2023-02-15", # The date from which you want to retrieve transactions (includes transactions on this date)
    "endDate": "2023-03-30", # The date until which you want to retrieve transactions (at least one day before today)
    "currencyCodes": "eur,gbp,usd",  # The ISO-4217 code of one or more currencies to retrieve transactions for
    "budgetIds": [
      "{budgetId}" # The ID of one or more budgets to retrieve transactions for
    "fileFormat": "csv"

If your request is successful, you'll receive a 202 response. If you're using a production environment, you'll receive an email containing a download link shortly after.

  "message": "accepted"
