Testing checklist

Before you go live, we recommend that you complete the following testing checklist.

Test Endpoint Task
List transaction activity /v2/activity/{accountId} Ensure that all transactions can be pulled back for a particular account. Include parameters as per live expectations. Check that the request is correct and that JSON is returned and parsed/handled correctly by your app.
Generate a transaction activity CSV and PDF /v2/activity/download Generate a transaction CSV and PDF file. Ensure that the JSON is correctly formed and response handled correctly. Ensure that the file is produced and emailed/received correctly in production.
Generate a statement CSV and PDF /v2/statement/download Generate a transaction CSV and PDF file. Ensure that the JSON is correctly formed and response handled correctly. Ensure that the file is produced and emailed/received correctly in production.
Generate a payment confirmation PDF /v2/payments/{paymentId}/
Generate a PDF payment confirmation. Ensure that the JSON is correctly formed and response handled correctly. Ensure that the file is produced and downloaded correctly.