About transaction types

Learn about the different types of transactions that can occur.


A transaction can be:

  • a single currency transfer from one budget to another
  • a currency exchange between budgets
  • a card payment
  • an outbound payment to a recipient
  • an inbound credit, resulting from a payment into a budget or a card refund to an account

Transaction types

Type Description
exchange A single currency exchange between two currencies.
payment An order for an outbound payment to a recipient. Note that if making a payment with exchange, you'll have both an exchange transaction and a payment transaction.
deposit A sum received into an account via an inbound transfer.
forwardContract A foreign exchange (FX) order booked to purchase at a specified price, on a future date. You can choose to either settle the full trade at the end of the contract or drawdown the contract early.
drawdown An order that is booked when you choose to settle some or all of your forwardContract trade earlier than the agreed future date.
card A card payment to a merchant.
cardCheck A merchant-initiated check on a card, to ensure that they've got the correct details and that the card is active.
cardRefund A refund from a merchant back to a card. For example, after a purchase has been returned.
cashWithdrawal A cash withdrawal made with a card.
atm An instance of a card being used at an automated teller machine (ATM), but that didn't result in a cash withdrawal. For example, someone checking their balance.
cashback A cash withdrawal made as part of a card payment.
chargeback A charge that is returned after a customer successfully disputes a transaction on their account.
unload A transaction during which money is removed from a budget. For example, transferring funds to another budget.
load A transaction during which money is added to a budget. For example, receiving funds from another budget.
otherCredit A credit transaction that doesn't fall under one of the other credit transaction types.
otherDebit A debit transaction that doesn't fall under one of the other debit transaction types.