About reports and statements

You can use the Equals Money API to generate CSV or PDF reports about past transactions and receive them by email. Currently, we support two types: transaction activity report and statement.

A transaction activity report is a list of all transactions generated for an account over a given period, which can be up to the date you're making the request. This report is available in CSV format only.

A statement is a list of balances and completed transactions that occurred on an account over a given period, which can be up to the day before the date you're making the request. This report is available in PDF and CSV format.


We also provide an endpoint to list transaction activity for an account. It includes a number of filters, so you can easily narrow down your results. Your results will be returned as a normal JSON payload, rather than a downloadable CSV or PDF file.

Transaction activity report format

Column name Description Example Can be empty?
Created date The date and time at which the transaction event was created, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. 2023-10-01T07:49:00Z No
Completed date The date and time at which the transaction event was completed, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. 2023-10-01T07:49:00Z No
Type The transaction type. Learn more about transaction types. Credit No
Status The transaction status. Lean more about transaction statuses. Complete No
Description For payments, a description of the transaction. For card transactions, the shortened merchant name description. Exchange - Sold GBP or ACME No
Name The name of the person who performed the order, exchange, or card payment. John Smith Yes
Balance The name of the budget associated with the transaction. Marketing Team Events No
Currency The currency the transaction was performed in. GBP No
Total credited / debited The total amount that was credited or debited, not including fees. 500 <img src="https://docs.equalsmoney.com/images/icon-cross.svg" alt=No">
Fees The fees that were added to the transaction. A value is always provided, even if it's 0. 7 No
Total credited / debited excluding fees The total amount that was credited or debited, not including fees. 507 No
Exchange rate The exchange rate that was applied to the transaction. A value is always provided, even if it's 1 (no exchange performed). 1.2 No
Local currency The local currency of the transaction. USD Yes
Local amount The transaction amount, in the local currency. 600 Yes
Reference The transaction reference that you've provided, if any. For internal money moves, this is automatically set to Internal Transfer by the system. Invoice payment for 24695 Yes
Order ID The order ID associated with this transaction, if any. 120eb9fb-f9c9-4832-abe8-75bf0bf79d78 Yes
Transaction ID The transaction ID. 4333f2ef-8f1a-4b9e-92d8-42a00689883b No
Box Transaction ID The budget transaction ID. This is a number which is assigned sequentially per budget and per currency. 1234567 No
Card last four The last four digits of the card, if the transaction was a card payment. 1234 Yes
Full description For payments, a description of the transaction. For card transactions, the full merchant name description. Exchange - Sold GBP or ACME EUROPE BERLIN No
Balance Hierarchy The name of the parent budget of the budget associated with the transaction. This can be same as the value in the corresponding Balance cell, if the budget that the transaction is associated with is the account balance. Marketing Team No
Balance ID The ID of the budget associated with the transaction. 9e4f387d-a60c-45f0-b38b-37a5ceefd43f No
Balance reference The reference that identifies this transaction within the budget. This is similar to an orderId. 531350cb-04f5-40d6-aec2-47d21a3a2658 Yes
MCC For card transactions, the merchant category code (MCC). 5814 Yes
Merchant Category For card transactions, the merchant category. Fast food restaurants Yes
Running balance The sum total of funds present in the budget associated with the transaction. 12345 No
Name of sender / beneficiary The name of the sender or beneficiary (recipient). William Walker No
Bank identifier of sender / beneficiary The BIC or SWIFT code of the bank associated with the sender or beneficiary (recipient). AAAABBCC123 No
Account identifier of sender / beneficiary The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of the sender or beneficiary (recipient). GB12ABCD10203012345678 Yes
If the sender or beneficiary has an account number, or if it's a card payment.
Address of sender / beneficiary The address of the sender or beneficiary (recipient). 223 Glossop Road London N14 4ES No
Bank of sender / beneficiary The name of the bank associated with the sender or beneficiary (recipient). Brilliant Bank Yes
Bank address of sender / beneficiary The address of the bank associated with the sender or beneficiary (recipient). 41 Middle Street Enfield EN1 3JY Yes
Details of charges The party or parties responsible for the charges.
  • BEN: Charges are borne by the beneficiary (recipient)
  • SHA: Charges are shared
  • OUR: Charges are borne by the remitter

Statement format


The content included in a statement differs depending on your chosen file type.


Column name Description Example Can be empty?
Created date The date and time at which the transaction event was created, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. 2023-10-01T07:49:00Z No
Completed date The date and time at which the transaction event was completed, in ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. 2023-10-01T07:49:00Z No
Type The transaction type. Learn more about transaction types. Credit No
Status The transaction status. Lean more about transaction statuses. Complete No
Description For payments, a description of the transaction. For card transactions, the shortened merchant name description. Exchange - Sold GBP or ACME No
Name The name of the person who performed the order, exchange, or card payment. John Smith Yes
Balance The name of the budget associated with the transaction. Marketing Team Events No
Currency The currency the transaction was performed in. GBP No
Total credited / debited The total amount that was credited or debited, not including fees. 500 No
Fees The fees that were added to the transaction. A value is always provided, even if it's 0. 7 No
Total credited / debited excluding fees The total amount that was credited or debited, not including fees. 507 No
Exchange rate The exchange rate that was applied to the transaction. A value is always provided, even if it's 1 (no exchange performed). 1.2 No
Local currency The local currency of the transaction. USD Yes
Local amount The transaction amount, in the local currency. 600 Yes
Reference The transaction reference that you've provided, if any. For internal money moves, this is automatically set to Internal Transfer by the system. Invoice payment for 24695 Yes
Order ID The order ID associated with this transaction, if any. 120eb9fb-f9c9-4832-abe8-75bf0bf79d78 Yes
Transaction ID The transaction ID. 4333f2ef-8f1a-4b9e-92d8-42a00689883b No
Box Transaction ID The budget transaction ID. This is a number which is assigned sequentially per budget and per currency. 1234567 No
Card last four The last four digits of the card, if the transaction was a card payment. 1234 Yes
Full description For payments, a description of the transaction. For card transactions, the full merchant name description. Exchange - Sold GBP or ACME EUROPE BERLIN No
Balance Hierarchy The name of the parent budget of the budget associated with the transaction. This can be same as the value in the corresponding Balance cell, if the budget that the transaction is associated with is the account balance. Marketing Team No
Balance ID The ID of the budget associated with the transaction. 9e4f387d-a60c-45f0-b38b-37a5ceefd43f No
Balance reference The reference that identifies this transaction within the budget. 531350cb-04f5-40d6-aec2-47d21a3a2658 Yes
MCC For card transactions, the merchant category code (MCC). 5814 Yes
Merchant Category For card transactions, the merchant category. Fast food restaurants Yes
Running balance The sum total of funds present in the budget associated with the transaction. 12345 No
Name of sender / beneficiary The name of the sender or beneficiary (recipient). William Walker No
Bank identifier of sender / beneficiary The BIC or SWIFT code of the bank associated with the sender or beneficiary (recipient). AAAABBCC123 No
Account identifier of sender / beneficiary The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of the sender or beneficiary (recipient). GB12ABCD10203012345678 Yes
If the sender or beneficiary has an account number, or if it's a card payment.
Address of sender / beneficiary The address of the sender or beneficiary (recipient). 223 Glossop Road London N14 4ES No
Bank of sender / beneficiary The name of the bank associated with the sender or beneficiary (recipient). Brilliant Bank Yes
Bank address of sender / beneficiary The address of the bank associated with the sender or beneficiary (recipient). 41 Middle Street Enfield EN1 3JY Yes
Details of charges The party or parties responsible for the charges.
  • BEN: Charges are borne by the beneficiary (recipient)
  • SHA: Charges are shared
  • OUR: Charges are borne by the remitter


Column name Description Example
Currency The currency that the opening balance, credits, debits, and closing balance apply to. GBP
Opening balance The total balance on the first day of the statement period. 100.00
Credits The sum of all credits that were processed during the statement period. 250.00
Debits The sum of all debits that were processed during the statement period. 50.00
Closing balance The total balance on the last day of the statement period. 300.00