About transaction response codes

A transaction response code is a code that describes the final outcome of a card transaction. This is returned in the response.code field of the CardTransaction webhook.

Code Description
0000 Transaction approved or completed successfully.
0002 Partially approved.
1001 Card expired.
1003 Card suspended.
1004 Card stolen — pickup.
1005 Card lost.
1011 Card not found.
1012 Cardholder not found. It is possible that the card is valid, but cardholder has not yet been created.
1014 Account not found. The account was not created for the currency in the transaction.
1015 Invalid request. Request cannot be parsed, or relevant data not found.
1016 Not sufficient funds. Funds in account are less than the auth amount.
1017 Previously reversed.
1018 Previously completed.
1019 Further activity prevents reversal.
1020 Further activity prevents void.
1021 Original transaction has been voided.
1022 No savings account.
1023 No checking account.
1802 Missing fields.
1803 Extra fields exist.
1804 Invalid card number. PAN information is missing from the request.
1806 Card not active.
1808 Card not configured.
1809 Incorrect PIN.
1810 Invalid amount. Amount field is null or less than zero.
1811 System error related to the database. This error is sent to the network.
1812 System error related to business logic. For example, the original transaction might not be found.
1813 Cardholder not active. Transaction occurs outside the card start and end dates.
1814 Cardholder not configured. Start and end dates have not been configured.
1815 Cardholder expired. Transaction date occurs after the cardholder’s end date.
1816 Original not found, and no pre-auth exists.
1817 Usage limit reached.
1818 Configuration error.
1819 Invalid terminal.
1820 Inactive terminal.
1821 Invalid merchant.
1822 Duplicate entity.
1823 Invalid acquirer.
1824 Accounting exception.
1825 Invalid CID. Card security code is invalid; CVV does not match.
1828 Card is active.
1829 AVS match.
1830 Card account verification success.
1831 Card not present.
1832 Auth restriction found for given MID or MCC. Authorization control rules impose a restriction for this merchant ID or merchant category code.
1833 Cryptographic failure. The card was presented, and the chip failed a verification test because of an invalid cryptogram or ARPC verification failed HSM check.
1834 Transaction amount limit reached. It exceeds the weekly or monthly velocity control set for the program.
1835 Card product controls prevent transaction.
1836 JIT clearing failure.
1837 JIT refund failure.
1838 International transaction decline.
1839 JIT reversal failure.
1840 Real-time fee group not found.
1841 Exceeds max auth amount limit. The transaction amount exceeds the velocity control set for the transaction.
1842 Account load failed.
1843 Network loads not allowed.
1844 Issuer timeout advice. The card network has advised of a decline.
1845 Transactions other than ATM and e-commerce not allowed.
1846 ATM transactions not allowed.
1847 E-commerce transactions not allowed.
1848 Mail order transactions not allowed.
1849 Phone order transactions not allowed.
1850 Card not present.
1851 Cardholder not present.
1852 PIN not present.
1853 ICC not present.
1854 Card security code not present.
1855 Digital wallet token not found.
1856 Digital wallet token not active.
1857 Digital wallet token expired.
1858 Digital wallet token suspended.
1859 Digital wallet token not present.
1861 Transaction account management limit reached.
1862 Token activation request card product config decline.
1863 Additional identity verification required.
1864 Transactions not allowed from this country. International transaction blocked due to the country or currency.
1865 Insufficient funds in program reserve account.
1866 Invalid card service code.
1868 Quasi Cash txn not allowed (processing code 11).
1870 Reloads are disabled for entity.
1871 Push-to-Card disbursement error.
1872 Offline PIN try limit exceeded.
1873 Chip fallback not allowed.
1875 Partial JIT not allowed.
1876 Account funding transactions are unsupported.
1878 Corresponding JIT load failure.
1879 Credit voucher not allowed.
1880 CAVV decline. Exceeds the maximum auth cashback amount limit.
1881 Exceeds max auth cashback amount limit.
1883 JIT response invalid amount.
1884 JIT response not sufficient funds.
1885 JIT response transaction not permitted.
1887 JIT response amount limit reached.
1888 JIT response usage limit reached.
1889 JIT response duplicate entry.
1891 Strong Customer Authentication — SCA contactless cumulative amount exceeded.
1892 Strong Customer Authentication — SCA contactless transaction count limit exceeded.
1893 Strong Customer Authentication — SCA contactless transaction limit exceeded.
1894 Card account verification decline.
1895 Token activation request — STIP decline.
1896 Token activation request card product config decline.
1897 SCA LVP cumulative amount exceeded.
1898 SCA LVP transaction count limit exceeded.
1899 SCA LVP transaction limit exceeded.
1900 Rejected response.
1901 Card not activated.
1902 JIT response invalid merchant.
1903 JIT response invalid card.
1904 JIT response no credit account.
1905 JIT response expired card.
1906 JIT response no checking account.
1907 JIT response no savings account.
1922 Transaction cannot be completed.
1923 Not sufficient funds - no cached balance.
1924 Installment payment not supported in this region.
1925 JIT response card not active.
1926 JIT response cardholder not active.
1927 Account transfer not allowed.