About role types

Learn about the different types of roles that a persona can have.

Role types

The Equals Money API currently supports the following roles: Owner, Admin, Payer, Viewer, Accountant, and User.

An Owner is someone who needs to be able to do everything, including setting up an account. Typically, this is a top-level finance executive.
An Admin is someone who needs to access all transactions, cards, budgets, people, and data on the account, but not see or edit settings. Typically, this is a member of the Finance team.
A Payer is someone who needs to make payments to recipients, create exchanges, and book forward contracts. Typically, this is an employee who undertakes these tasks as part of their role.
A Viewer is someone who needs to view all activity on the account to do their role, but shouldn’t be able to edit anything regarding transactions, people, settings, etc. Typically, this is a member of the Finance team.
An Accountant is someone who needs to view all activity on the account, including statements and transaction activity, but who doesn’t need to edit transactions or budgets. Typically, this is an external bookkeeper.
A User is someone who needs access to their own card for spending, but who doesn’t need anything else. Typically, this an employee who isn't a member of the Finance team.

Role permissions

The following table describes the different actions that a person can take, depending on their role.

Role name View Spend via card Send money
(payments, exchanges, forward contracts)
Owner Yes
Everything (budgets, transaction activity, cards, people, settings).
Yes Yes Yes
Everything (budgets, transaction activity, cards, people, settings).
Admin Yes
Everything except settings.
Yes Yes Yes
Everything except settings.
Payer Yes
Budgets and spending activity, including statements and transactions.
Their own card, if you choose to give them one.
Yes Yes
Recipients, funds, and forward contracts.
Viewer Yes
Everything except settings.
Their own card, if you choose to give them one.
Yes Yes
Accountant Yes
Spending activity, including statements and transactions.
Their own card, if you choose to give them one.
Yes Yes
User Yes
Their own transactions, plus the cards and budgets they have access to.
Yes Yes Yes