Testing checklist

Before you go live, we recommend that you complete the following testing checklist for payments.

Test Endpoint Task
Create a recipient with BIC/IBAN for SWIFT/SEPA /v2/recipients?accountId={accountId} Check for creation of new recipient with BIC/IBAN. Ensure creation and handling of JSON in/out. Include all of the fields to be used in final integration.
Create a recipient with sort code BBAN for FPS/BACS /v2/recipients?accountId={accountId} Check for creation of new recipient with BBAN. Ensure creation and handling of JSON in/out. Include all of the fields to be used in your final integration.
Receive and verify RecipientCreated webhook N/A Ensure RecipientCreated webhook is received correctly. Ensure graceful parsing of data as required by your app.
List all recipients /v2/recipients?accountId={accountId} Retrieve a list of all recipients associated with at least one account. Ensure your app receives and parses back JSON gracefully.
Find a recipient /v2/recipients/{recipientId}?accountId={accountId} Retrieve details of one recipient to be used in a quote/order. Ensure your app receives and parses back JSON gracefully.
Delete a recipient /v2/recipients/{recipientId}?accountId={accountId} Check that a recipient is deleted correctly. Ensure system sends/receives JSON correctly and handles/records deleted details.
Receive and verify RecipientDeleted webhook N/A Ensure RecipientDeleted webhook is received correctly. Ensure graceful parsing of data as required by your app.
Create a currency quote /v2/orders?quote?accountId={accountId} Check for creation of a new currency quote. Ideally, you should conduct this test with more than one currency if possible. Ensure creation and handling of JSON and correct parsing. Include all fields to be used in final integration.
Create a successful order /v2/orders/trade?accountId={accountId} Ensure that a new order is created successfully. Include all fields to be used in your final integration.
Receive and verify OrderCreated webhook N/A Ensure OrderCreated webhook is received correctly. Ensure graceful parsing of data as required by your app.
Receive and verify OrderCompleted webhook N/A Ensure OrderCompleted webhook is received correctly. Ensure graceful parsing of data as required by your app. This applies to production only.
Receive and verify BoxDebited and BoxCredited webhooks N/A Ensure BoxDebited and BoxCredited webhooks are received correctly. Ensure graceful parsing of data as required by your app.