About payment purpose codes

Learn about the different payment purpose codes to supply when creating a recipient.


When you create a recipient, you can supply an optional paymentPurposeCode. This is highly recommended for certain bank countries and/or currencies, due to regulatory requirements.

These bank countries are:

  • United Arab Emirates ( AE )
  • Bahrain ( BH )
  • Jordan ( JO )
  • Kenya ( KE ) for KES payments only

These currencies are:

  • Brazilian Real ( BRL )
  • Chinese Yuan ( CNY )
  • Indian Rupee ( INR )
  • Kenyan Shilling ( KES ) for banks in KE only
  • Moroccan Dirham ( MAD )

Payment purpose codes

The following table contains a list of accepted payment codes. By default, these are sorted by corresponding ISO country.

You can use the search box to filter your results, or click on the arrows next to a column name to sort your results. For example, to find payment purpose codes for Bahrain, you can enter BH as your search term.

ISO country ISO currency Recipient type Purpose Additional purpose Purpose code
AE Any Business Agency commissions ACM
AE Any Individual Advance payment against end of service AES
AE Any Any Receipts or payments from personal residents bank account or deposits abroad AFA
AE Any Any Receipts or payments from personal non-resident bank account in the UAE AFL
AE Any Individual Allowance ALW
AE Any Any Air transport ATS
AE Any Individual Bonus BON
AE Any Business Corporate card payments CCP
AE Any Any Equity for establishment of new company from residents abroad equity of merger or acquisition of companies abroad from residents and participation to capital increase of related company abroad CEA
AE Any Any Equity for establishment of new company in UAE from non-residents equity of merger or acquisition of companies in the UAE from non-residents participation to capital increase of related CEL
AE Any Business Charitable contributions CHC
AE Any Business Commercial investments CIN
AE Any Individual Commission COM
AE Any Individual Compensation COP
AE Any Business Debit card payments DCP
AE Any Any Debt instruments intra group loans securities deposits foreign DIF
AE Any Any Debt instruments intra group loans securities deposits in the UAE DIL
AE Any Any Dividend payouts DIV
AE Any Any Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities more than a year in the related companies DLA
AE Any Any Debt instruments intra group loans or deposits foreign (above 10% share) DLF
AE Any Any Purchases and sales of securities issued by residents more than year in the related companies DLL
AE Any Any Dividends on equity not intra group DOE
AE Any Any Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities less than a year in the related companies DSA
AE Any Any Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities less than a year in the related companies DSL
AE Any Any Educational support EDU
AE Any Business Equated monthly installments EMI
AE Any Individual End of service or final settlement EOS
AE Any Any Financial derivatives foreign FDA
AE Any Any Financial derivatives in the UAE FDL
AE Any Any Investment fund shares foreign FIA
AE Any Any Investment fund shares in the UAE FIL
AE Any Any Financial services FIS
AE Any Any Equity other than investment fund shares in the related companies abroad FSA
AE Any Any Equity other than investment fund shares in the related companies in the UAE FSL
AE Any Any Goods sold - exports in free on board (FOB) value GDE
AE Any Any Goods bought - imports in cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value GDI
AE Any Any Goods bought or sold GDS
AE Any Any Processing repair and maintenance services on goods GMS
AE Any Any Government goods and services embassies etc. GOS
AE Any Any Government related income, taxes, tariffs, capital transfers, etc. GRI
AE Any Any Information services IFS
AE Any Any Intra group dividends IGD
AE Any Any Inter group transfer IGT
AE Any Business Intra group interest on debt IID
AE Any Any Insurance services INS
AE Any Any Income on deposits IOD
AE Any Any Income on loans IOL
AE Any Any Charges for the use of intellectual property royalties IPC
AE Any Business IPO subscriptions IPO
AE Any Any Interest rate swap payments IRP
AE Any Any Interest rate unwind payments IRW
AE Any Any Income on investment funds shares ISH
AE Any Any Interest on securities (more than a year) ISL
AE Any Any Interest on securities (less than a year) ISS
AE Any Any Computer services ITS
AE Any Individual Leave salary LAS
AE Any Any Debt instruments intra group loans or deposits in the UAE (above 10% share) LDL
AE Any Any Debt instruments intra group securities in the UAE LDS
AE Any Any Leasing abroad LEA
AE Any Any Leasing in the UAE LEL
AE Any Business Loan interest payments LIP
AE Any Any Loans: drawings or repayments on loans extended to non-residents (long term) LLA
AE Any Any Loans: drawings or repayments on foreign loans to residents (long term) LLL
AE Any Business Loan charges LNC
AE Any Any Loan disbursements LND
AE Any Any Monetary claim reimbursement MCR
AE Any Any Mobile wallet card cash-ins MWI
AE Any Any Mobile wallet card payments MWP
AE Any Any Other modes of transport OTS
AE Any Individual Overtime OVT
AE Any Individual Pension PEN
AE Any Any Profits on Islamic products PIP
AE Any Any Professional and management consulting services PMS
AE Any Any Refunds/reversals on IPO subscriptions POR
AE Any Business POS merchant settlement POS
AE Any Any Purchase of real estate abroad from residents PPA
AE Any Any Purchase of real estate in the UAE from non-residents PPL
AE Any Any Profit rate swap payments PRP
AE Any Any Profits or rents on real estate PRR
AE Any Any Personal cultural audio visual and recreational services PRS
AE Any Any Profit rate unwind payments PRW
AE Any Any Research and development services RDS
AE Any Any Repos on foreign securities RFS
AE Any Any Repos on securities issued by residents RLS
AE Any Any Rent payments RNT
AE Any Individual Salary advance SAA
AE Any Individual Salary SAL
AE Any Any Construction SCO
AE Any Any Loans: drawings or repayments on loans extended to non-residents (short term) SLA
AE Any Any Loans: drawings or repayments on foreign loans extended to residents (short term) SLL
AE Any Any Travel STR
AE Any Any Sea transport STS
AE Any Any Stored value card cash in SVI
AE Any Any Stored value card payment SVP
AE Any Any Tax payment TAX
AE Any Any Trade credits and advances payable TCP
AE Any Any Trade credits and advances receivable TCR
AE Any Any Telecommunication services TCS
AE Any Individual Tickets TKT
AE Any Any Transfer of funds between persons normal and juridical TOF
AE Any Any Technical trade-related and other business services TTS
AE Any Business Utility bill payments UTL
Any BRL Any Services Audit, accounting and tax consulting 47135
Any BRL Any Services IT services 47025
Any BRL Any Services Engineering and architecture services 47070
Any BRL Any Services Health services 47733
Any BRL Any Services Legal services 47128
Any BRL Any Services Business and public relations consulting services 47142
Any BRL Any Services Education services 47719
Any BRL Business, Charity Services Tourism services 47740
Any BRL Business, Charity Services Sea transportation 22136
Any BRL Any Services Other technical, professional and administrative services 47197
Any BRL Business, Charity Import of goods Importation payment 12005
Any BRL Individual Transfer to own remitter account in Brazil Transfer to own remitter account in Brazil 67500
Any BRL Any Donation Donation 37080
Any BRL Individual Family support Student family support 37011
Any BRL Individual Family support Resident family support 37004
Any BRL Any Purchase of a property or goods Purchase of a property in Brazil 72911
Any BRL Any Purchase of a property or goods Acquisition of goods delivered in Brazil 72904
Any BRL Any Purchase of a property or goods Commissions or expenses on trade transactions 47609
Any BRL Any Other purposes 47195
Any BRL Any Other purposes Other current transfers, including reimbursement of expenses up to 3,000.00 USD 37107
Any BRL Individual Other purposes Salary and other compensation 47908
Any CNY Any Trade settlement for goods Sale or purchase of goods, import or export of goods, procurement of goods, letter of credit or documentary collection related to goods trade, prepayment of goods, etc. CGODDR
Any CNY Any Trade settlement for goods Partial return of trade settlement for goods CGODDR/PART
Any CNY Any Trade settlement for goods Cancellation of trade settlement for goods CGODDR/RETN
Any CNY Any Trade settlement for services Public utility, rent, audit fee, hotel and accommodation fee, legal fee, advertising and promotion fee, copyright and license fee, wages, service contract fee, design fee, research and development fee, registration fee, medical expenses, etc. CSTRDR
Any CNY Any Trade settlement for services Partial return of trade settlement for services CSTRDR/PART
Any CNY Any Trade settlement for services Cancellation of trade settlement for services CSTRDR/RETN
Any CNY Any Payment to current account Dividend payment, profit distribution, tax payment, scholarships, etc. COCADR
Any CNY Any Payment to current account Cancellation of payment to current account COCADR/RETN
Any CNY Any Payment to capital account Capital injection, capital reduction, capital payment, investment, shareholder loan, non-trade fund transfer, other capital payments as approved by relevant regulatory authorities CCTFDR
Any CNY Any Payment to capital account Partial return of payment to capital account CCTFDR/PART
Any CNY Any Payment to capital account Cancellation of payment to capital account CCTFDR/RETN
Any CNY Any Charity donation Charity donation CCDNDR
Any CNY Any Charity donation Cancellation of charity donation CCDNDR/RETN
Any INR Any Capital account Receipts on account of sale of non-produced non-financial assets (sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc., land acquired by government, use of natural resources) - governments P0017
Any INR Any Capital account Receipts on account of sale of non-produced non-financial assets (sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc., land acquired by government, use of natural resources) - non-government P0019
Any INR Any Capital account Capital transfer receipts (guarantee payments, investment grant given by the government or international organisation, exceptionally large non-life insurance claims including claims arising out of natural calamity) - government P0028
Any INR Any Capital account Capital transfer receipts (guarantee payments, investment grant given by non-government, exceptionally large non-life insurance claims including claims arising out of natural calamity) - non-government P0029
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Other capital receipts not included elsewhere P0099
Any INR Any Foreign direct investment Repatriation of Indian direct investment abroad (by branches and wholly owned subsidiaries and associates) in equity shares P0003
Any INR Any Foreign direct investment Repatriation Indian direct investment abroad (by branches and wholly owned subsidiaries and associates) in debt instruments P0004
Any INR Any Foreign direct investment Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in real estate P0005
Any INR Any Foreign direct investment Foreign direct investment made by overseas investors in India in equity shares P0006
Any INR Any Foreign direct investment Foreign direct investment made by overseas investors in India in debt instruments P0007
Any INR Any Foreign direct investment Foreign direct investment made by overseas investors in India in real estate P0008
Any INR Any Foreign portfolio investment Repatriation of Indian portfolio investment abroad in equity capital (shares) P0001
Any INR Any Foreign portfolio investment Repatriation of Indian portfolio investment abroad in debt instruments P0002
Any INR Any Foreign portfolio investment Foreign portfolio investment made by overseas investors in India in equity shares P0009
Any INR Any Foreign portfolio investment Foreign portfolio investment made by overseas investors in India in debt Instruments P0010
Any INR Any External commercial borrowings Repayment of loans extended to non-residents P0011
Any INR Any External commercial borrowings Long and medium term loans, with original maturity of above one year, from non-residents to India (external commercial borrowings) P0012
Any INR Any Short term credits Short term loans with original maturity up to one year from non-residents to India (short-term trade credit) P0013
Any INR Any Banking capital Receipts o/a non-resident deposits (Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account, Non-Resident External Rupee Account, etc.) ADs should report these even if funds are not “swapped” into Rupees P0014
Any INR Any Banking capital Loans and overdrafts taken by ADs on their own account (any amount of loan credited to the nostro account which may not be swapped into Rupees should also be reported) P0015
Any INR Any Banking capital Purchase of a foreign currency against another currency P0016
Any INR Any Financial derivatives and others Receipts on account of margin payments, premium payment and settlement amount, etc., under financial derivative transactions P0020
Any INR Any Financial derivatives and others Receipts on account of sale of share under employee stock option P0021
Any INR Any Financial derivatives and others Receipts on account of other investment in ADRs/GDRs P0022
Any INR Any External assistance External assistance received by India e.g. multilateral and bilateral loans received by Government of India under agreements with other government or international institutions P0024
Any INR Any External assistance Repayments received on account of external assistance extended by India P0025
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Value of export bills negotiated, purchased or discounted, etc. (covered under GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bills, etc.) - other than Nepal and Bhutan P0101
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Realisation of export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection (full invoice value) - other than Nepal and Bhutan P0102
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Advance receipts against export contracts, which will be covered later by GR/PP/SOFTEX/SDF - other than Nepal and Bhutan P0103
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Receipts against export of goods not covered by the GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bill, etc. (under intermediary or transit trade, i.e., third country export passing through India) P0104
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Export bills (in respect of goods) sent on collection - other than Nepal and Bhutan P0105
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Realisation of NPD export bills (full value of bill to be reported) - other than Nepal and Bhutan P0107
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Goods sold under merchanting or receipt against export leg of merchanting trade P0108
Any INR Any Export (of goods) Export realisation on account of exports to Nepal and Bhutan, if any P0109
Any INR Any Transport Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian shipping companies operating abroad P0201
Any INR Any Transport Receipts on account of operating expenses of foreign shipping companies operating in India P0202
Any INR Any Transport Receipts on account of operational leasing (with crew) - shipping companies P0205
Any INR Any Transport Receipts of surplus freight or passenger fare by Indian airlines companies operating abroad P0207
Any INR Any Transport Receipt on account of operating expenses of foreign airlines companies operating in India P0208
Any INR Any Transport Receipt on account of operational leasing (with crew) - airlines companies P0211
Any INR Any Transport Receipts on account of other transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges, etc.) - shipping companies P0214
Any INR Any Transport Receipts on account of other transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges, etc.) - airlines companies P0215
Any INR Any Transport Receipts of freight fare - shipping companies operating abroad P0216
Any INR Any Transport Receipts of passenger fare - Indian shipping companies operating abroad P0217
Any INR Any Transport Other receipts - shipping companies P0218
Any INR Any Transport Receipts of freight fare by Indian airlines companies operating abroad P0219
Any INR Any Transport Receipts of passenger fare - airlines companies P0220
Any INR Any Transport Other receipts - airlines companies P0221
Any INR Any Transport Receipts on account of freights under other modes of transport (internal waterways, roadways, railways, pipeline transports and others) P0222
Any INR Any Transport Receipts on account of passenger fare under other modes of transport (internal waterways, roadways, railways, pipeline transports and others) P0223
Any INR Any Transport Postal and courier services by air P0224
Any INR Any Transport Postal and courier services by sea P0225
Any INR Any Transport Postal and courier services by others P0226
Any INR Any Travel Purchases towards travel (includes purchases of foreign travellers cheques, currency notes over the counter, by hotels, hospitals, emporiums, educational institutions, etc. as well as amount received by Telegraphic Transfer/SWIFT transfers or debit) P0301
Any INR Any Travel Business travel P0302
Any INR Any Travel Travel for medical treatment including travellers cheques purchased by hospitals P0304
Any INR Any Travel Travel for education including travellers cheques purchased by educational institutions P0305
Any INR Any Travel Other travel receipts P0306
Any INR Any Travel Foreign currencies or travellers cheques surrendered by returning Indian tourists P0308
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Life insurance premium except term insurance P0601
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Freight insurance - relating to import and export of goods P0602
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Other general insurance premium including reinsurance premium and term life insurance premium P0603
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Auxiliary services including commission on insurance P0605
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Insurance claim settlement of non-life insurance and life insurance (only term insurance) P0607
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Life insurance claim settlements (excluding term insurance) received by residents in India P0608
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Standardised guarantee services P0609
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Premium for pension funds P0610
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Periodic pension entitlements e.g. monthly quarterly or yearly payments of pension amounts by Indian pension fund companies P0611
Any INR Any Insurance and pension services Invoking of standardised guarantees P0612
Any INR Any Financial services Financial intermediation except investment banking - bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, etc. P0701
Any INR Any Financial services Investment banking - brokerage, underwriting commission, etc. P0702
Any INR Any Financial services Auxiliary services - charges on operation and regulatory fees, custodial services, depository services, etc. P0703
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Hardware consultancy or implementation P0801
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Software implementation or consultancy (other than those covered in SOFTEX form) P0802
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Database or data processing charges P0803
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Repair and maintenance of computer and software P0804
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services News agency services P0805
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Other information services - subscription to newspapers, periodicals, etc. P0806
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Off-site software exports P0807
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Telecommunication services including electronic mail services and voice mail services P0808
Any INR Any Telecommunication, computer and information services Satellite services including space shuttle and rockets, etc. P0809
Any INR Any Charges for the use of intellectual property Franchises services P0901
Any INR Any Charges for the use of intellectual property Receipts for use, through licensing arrangements, of produced originals or prototypes (such as manuscripts and films), patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial processes, franchises, etc. P0902
Any INR Any Other business services Trade related services - commission on exports or imports P1002
Any INR Any Other business services Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing) without operating crew, including charter hire - airlines companies P1003
Any INR Any Other business services Legal services P1004
Any INR Any Other business services Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping services P1005
Any INR Any Other business services Business and management consultancy and public relations services P1006
Any INR Any Other business services Advertising or trade fair service P1007
Any INR Any Other business services Research and development services P1008
Any INR Any Other business services Architectural services P1009
Any INR Any Other business services Agricultural services like protection against insects and disease, increasing of harvest yields or forestry services P1010
Any INR Any Other business services Inward remittance for maintenance of offices in India P1011
Any INR Any Other business services Environmental services P1013
Any INR Any Other business services Engineering services P1014
Any INR Any Other business services Tax consulting services P1015
Any INR Any Other business services Market research and public opinion polling service P1016
Any INR Any Other business services Publishing and printing services P1017
Any INR Any Other business services Mining services like on-site processing services analysis of ores, etc. P1018
Any INR Any Other business services Commission agent services P1019
Any INR Any Other business services Wholesale and retailing trade services P1020
Any INR Any Other business services Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing) without operating crew, including charter hire - shipping companies P1021
Any INR Any Other business services Other technical services including scientific or space services P1022
Any INR Any Other business services Other services not included elsewhere P1099
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Audio-visual and related services like motion picture and video tape production, distribution and projection services P1101
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Radio and television production, distribution and transmission services P1103
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Entertainment services P1104
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Museums, library and archival services P1105
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Recreation and sporting activity services P1106
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Educational services e.g. fees received for correspondence courses offered to non-resident by Indian institutions P1107
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Health service (receipts on account of services provided by Indian hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedical and similar services, etc., rendered remotely or on-site) P1108
Any INR Any Personal, cultural and recreational services Other personal, cultural and recreational services P1109
Any INR Any Government (not included elsewhere) Maintenance of foreign embassies in India P1201
Any INR Any Government (not included elsewhere) Maintenance of international institutions such as offices of IMF mission, World Bank, UNICEF, etc. in India P1203
Any INR Any Secondary income Inward remittance from Indian non-residents towards family maintenance and savings P1301
Any INR Any Secondary income Personal gifts and donations P1302
Any INR Any Secondary income Donations to religious and charitable institutions in India P1303
Any INR Any Secondary income Grants and donations to governments and charitable institutions established by the governments P1304
Any INR Any Secondary income Receipts or refund of taxes P1306
Any INR Any Secondary income Receipts on account of migrant transfers including personal effects P1307
Any INR Any Primary income Compensation of employees P1401
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance towards interest on loans extended to non-residents (short term, medium term or long term loans P1403
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance towards interest receipts of ADs on their own account (on investments) P1405
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance of profit by branches of Indian foreign direct investment enterprises (including bank branches) operating abroad P1408
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance of dividends (on equity and investment fund shares) by Indian foreign direct investment enterprises, other than branches, operating abroad P1409
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance on account of interest payment by Indian foreign direct investment enterprises operating abroad to their parent company in India P1410
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance of interest income on account of portfolio investment made abroad by India P1411
Any INR Any Primary income Inward remittance of dividends on account of portfolio investment made abroad by India on equity and investment fund shares P1412
Any INR Any Primary income Other income receipts P1499
Any INR Any Others Refunds or rebates on account of imports P1501
Any INR Any Others Reversal of wrong entries, refunds of amount remitted for non-imports P1502
Any INR Any Others Remittances (receipts) by residents under international bidding process P1503
Any INR Any Others Deemed exports (exports between SEZ, EPZs and domestic tariff areas) P1505
Any INR Any Maintenance and repair services Receipts on account of maintenance and repair services rendered for vessels, ships, boats, warships, etc. P1601
Any INR Any Maintenance and repair services Receipts of maintenance and repair services rendered for aircrafts, space shuttles, rockets, military aircrafts, etc. P1602
Any INR Any Manufacturing services Receipts on account of processing of goods P1701
Any INR Any Cover page total Purchase from Reserve Bank of India (currency-wise totals) P0091
Any INR Any Cover page total Purchase from other ADs in India (currency-wise totals) P0092
Any INR Any Cover page total Purchase from overseas banks and correspondents (currency-wise totals) P0093
Any INR Any Cover page total Debit from the vostro account of overseas bank or correspondents (country-wise totals) P0094
Any INR Any Cover page total Aggregate purchases at branches (currency-wise totals) P0095
Any INR Any Cover page total Exports (totals) (N/P/D + collection bills realised during fortnight + advance received during fortnight) (purchases from public against exports (currency-wise totals)) P0100
Any INR Any Cover page total Purchases from public against third country exports (currency-wise totals) P0144
Any INR Any Cover page total Receipts below 5 lakhs / 500,000 Rupees (currency-wise totals) P1590
Any INR Any Cover page total Non-exports equivalent and above 5 lakhs / 500,000 Rupees (currency-wise totals) P1591
Any INR Any Cover page balance Opening balance (debit balance in mirror/debit balance in vostro) P2088
Any INR Any Cover page balance Closing balance (debit balance in mirror/debit balance in vostro) P2199
Any MAD Any Goods Free on board (FOB) imports and exports 100
Any MAD Any Goods Cost and freight (CFR) imports and exports 110
Any MAD Any Goods Cost, insurance and freight (CIF) terms imports and exports 120
Any MAD Any Goods Ex works (EXW), free carrier arranged (FCA), free alongside ship (FAS) imports and exports 125
Any MAD Any Goods Imports and exports of goods traded on other Incoterms: carriage paid to (CPT), carriage and insurance paid to (CIP), delivered ex ship (DES), delivered ex quay (DEQ), delivery duty unpaid (DDU), delivery duty unpaid (DDP) and delivered at frontier (DAF) 130
Any MAD Any Goods Advance payments in respect of free on board (FOB) import and export transactions 132
Any MAD Any Goods Down-payments in respect of CFR (cost and freight) import and export transactions 134
Any MAD Any Goods Down-payments in respect of CIF (cost, insurance and freight terms) import and export transactions 136
Any MAD Any Goods Payment in advance of imports 138
Any MAD Any Goods Toll operations (added value) 140
Any MAD Any Goods Goods repairs 150
Any MAD Any Goods Industrial (non-monetary) gold 160
Any MAD Any Goods Reimbursement of proceeds from the collection of export-based receivables 170
Any MAD Any Goods International trade 180
Any MAD Any Goods Commercial retrocessions 190
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Maritime freight transport 200
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Air freight transport 210
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Road freight transport 220
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Rail freight transport 230
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Transport by gas pipeline 235
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Maritime passenger transport 240
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Air passenger transport 250
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Road passenger transport 260
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Rail passenger transport 270
Any MAD Any International transport of goods Removals 280
Any MAD Any Insurance Goods insurance 300
Any MAD Any Insurance Insurance other than goods insurance 310
Any MAD Any Insurance Reinsurance operations 320
Any MAD Any Insurance Cash claims 322
Any MAD Any Insurance Insurance settlements 330
Any MAD Any Insurance Ancillary insurance costs 340
Any MAD Any Insurance Life insurance 350
Any MAD Any Travel Tourism 400
Any MAD Any Travel Medical care 410
Any MAD Any Travel Pilgrimage 420
Any MAD Any Travel Umrah 430
Any MAD Any Travel Tuition fees 440
Any MAD Any Travel Students’ living expenses 441
Any MAD Any Travel Rents 442
Any MAD Any Travel Students’ purchase of computer equipment 443
Any MAD Any Travel Student internship expenses 444
Any MAD Any Travel Student loan repayment 445
Any MAD Any Business services Building and public works services provided by foreign companies in Morocco 500
Any MAD Any Business services Building and public works services provided by Moroccan companies abroad 505
Any MAD Any Business services Administrative procurement 510
Any MAD Any Business services Patent and licence leases 520
Any MAD Any Business services Trademark use 530
Any MAD Any Business services Private technical assistance 540
Any MAD Any Business services Construction costs in Morocco 550
Any MAD Any Business services Construction costs abroad 555
Any MAD Any Business services IT services 560
Any MAD Any Business services Information services 570
Any MAD Any Business services Royalties in respect of the exploitation of audio-visual products 580
Any MAD Any Business services Research and development 585
Any MAD Any Business services Consulting, advertising and market research services 590
Any MAD Any Business services Various business, specialist and technical services 595
Any MAD Any Communication services Postal services 600
Any MAD Any Communication services Mail and courier services 610
Any MAD Any Communication services Telecommunication services 620
Any MAD Any Communication services Receipts from call centres 630
Any MAD Any Personal cultural and leisure services Services related to the production of films and radio and television programmes 700
Any MAD Any Personal cultural and leisure services Fees to artists and sportspeople 710
Any MAD Any Personal cultural and leisure services Literary, artistic or scientific prizes 715
Any MAD Any Personal cultural and leisure services Training services 720
Any MAD Any Personal cultural and leisure services Healthcare services 725
Any MAD Any Personal cultural and leisure services Other personal cultural and recreational services 730
Any MAD Any Services provided or received by public administrations Moroccan diplomatic posts 800
Any MAD Any Services provided or received by public administrations Diplomatic posts abroad 810
Any MAD Any Services provided or received by public administrations Expenses of international organisations 820
Any MAD Any Services provided or received by public administrations Operations of the National Defence Administration 830
Any MAD Any Services provided or received by public administrations Other government operations 840
Any MAD Any Financial services Financial intermediation services 900
Any MAD Any Financial services Securities transaction services 910
Any MAD Any Financial services Other financial services 920
Any MAD Any Financial services Commissions related to the use of IMF resources 930
Any MAD Any Financial services Bank guarantees 940
Any MAD Any Other services Operating costs of trade branches and representative offices 1000
Any MAD Any Other services Margin on international trading operations 1010
Any MAD Any Other services Foreign trade related services 1020
Any MAD Any Other services Commissions on exports of goods 1021
Any MAD Any Other services Commissions on exports of services 1022
Any MAD Any Other services Fishing rights and royalties 1030
Any MAD Any Other services Other royalties 1040
Any MAD Any Revenues Income from direct investments 1042
Any MAD Any Revenues Dividends and distributed profits 1100
Any MAD Any Revenues Repayment of advances on associates’ current accounts 1110
Any MAD Any Revenues Rental income 1111
Any MAD Any Revenues Income from portfolio investments 1112
Any MAD Any Revenues Income from equity investments 1120
Any MAD Any Revenues Income from debt securities 1130
Any MAD Any Revenues Interest on private loans and borrowings 1140
Any MAD Any Interest on public loans and borrowings Interest on public loans and borrowings 1150
Any MAD Any Interest on public loans and borrowings Interest on loans and borrowings by state enterprises and institutions 1160
Any MAD Any Income from investments in the financial sector Income from investments of Bank Al-Maghrib 1170
Any MAD Any Income from investments in the financial sector Income from investments by the financial sector other than other than insurance and reinsurance companies, Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and pension funds 1180
Any MAD Any Income from investments in the financial sector Income from investments by insurance and reinsurance companies 1185
Any MAD Any Income from investments in the financial sector Income from investments by undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities 1190
Any MAD Any Income from investments in the financial sector Income from investments by pension funds 1195
Any MAD Any Current transfers Savings on income 1200
Any MAD Any Current transfers Pensions, retirement benefits and family allowances 1210
Any MAD Any Current transfers Contributions to pension funds or provident schemes 1220
Any MAD Any Current transfers Current transfers in the form of postal orders 1230
Any MAD Any Current transfers Migrant transfers 1240
Any MAD Any Current transfers Bequests and aid 1250
Any MAD Any Current transfers Private donations 1260
Any MAD Any Current transfers Public donations 1270
Any MAD Any Current transfers Other current transfers 1280
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Direct investments 1300
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Portfolio investments 1310
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Portfolio investments by foreign investment funds 1315
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Advances on associates' current accounts 1320
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Real estate investments 1330
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Loans 1340
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Private sector commercial credits 1350
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Transactions on convertible term deposit accounts 1360
Any MAD Any Foreign investment and private loans in Morocco Liquidation of French investments in Morocco 1370
Any MAD Any Investments made in Morocco by Moroccans residing abroad (MREs) Direct MRE investments 1400
Any MAD Any Investments made in Morocco by Moroccans residing abroad (MREs) MRE portfolio investments 1410
Any MAD Any Investments made in Morocco by Moroccans residing abroad (MREs) Advances on MRE associates' current accounts 1420
Any MAD Any Investments made in Morocco by Moroccans residing abroad (MREs) MRE real estate investments 1430
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Moroccan direct investments abroad 1500
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Portfolio investments abroad 1510
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Advances on associates' current accounts to non-residents 1520
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Loans granted to non-residents 1530
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Banking sector loans 1540
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Foreign investments by insurance and reinsurance companies 1550
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Foreign investments by Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) 1555
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Foreign investments by pension funds 1560
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Export credits 1565
Any MAD Any Moroccan private investments and loans abroad Stock options 1570
Any MAD Any Financial derivatives Financial derivatives 1580
Any MAD Any Public sector financial transactions Treasury loans 1600
Any MAD Any Public sector financial transactions Local authority loans 1610
Any MAD Any Public sector financial transactions State enterprise and institution loans 1620
Any MAD Any Public sector financial transactions Participation of the Treasury or other state entities in the capital of international organisations 1630
Any MAD Any Accounts in convertible dirhams Transactions on foreign accounts in convertible dirhams of foreign banks or financial institutions 1700
Any MAD Any Accounts in convertible dirhams Transactions on foreign accounts in convertible dirhams of branches of Moroccan banks abroad or in offshore financial markets 1702
Any MAD Any Accounts in convertible dirhams Transactions on foreign accounts in convertible dirhams of money transfer agencies 1704
Any MAD Any Accounts in convertible dirhams Transactions on foreign accounts in convertible dirhams of foreign investment funds 1706
Any MAD Any Accounts in convertible dirhams Transactions on foreign accounts in convertible dirhams of foreign clients 1710
Any MAD Any Accounts in convertible dirhams Transactions on accounts in convertible dirhams of Moroccans residing abroad (MREs) 1720
Any MAD Any Other transactions Transactions on foreign banknotes 1800
Any MAD Any Other transactions Repatriations of PayPal funds 1810
Any MAD Any Other transactions Arbitrage 1900
Any MAD Any Other transactions Retrocessions on foreign private investments and loans 2000
Any MAD Any Other transactions Other financial retrocessions 2010
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Sales of foreign currencies on the foreign exchange market by debiting a foreign currency account of an exporter 2100
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Purchases of foreign currencies on the foreign exchange market to credit the foreign currency account of an exporter 2102
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Debit of a foreign currency account of an exporter to credit a foreign currency account of the same exporter opened with a correspondent 2104
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Credit of the foreign currency account of an exporter by debiting a foreign currency account of the same exporter opened with a correspondent 2106
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Provision to a correspondent of currency from a foreign currency account of an exporter 2108
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Debit of a foreign currency account of an exporter to fund his accounts in convertible dirhams or in ordinary dirhams 2110
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Funding an account in convertible dirhams or ordinary dirhams by debiting the foreign currency account of an exporter 2112
Any MAD Any Special transactions on foreign currency accounts Funding of foreign currency accounts of clients opened with offshore banks 2114
BH Any Any Import or export Goods sold - exports in free on board (FOB) value GDE
BH Any Any Import or export Goods bought - imports in cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value GDI
BH Any Any Transport and travel Sea transport STS
BH Any Any Transport and travel Air transport ATS
BH Any Any Transport and travel Other methods of transport (including postal and courier services) OTS
BH Any Any Transport and travel Travel STR
BH Any Any Services with abroad Processing repair and maintenance services on goods GMS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Construction SCO
BH Any Any Services with abroad Insurance services INS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Financial services FIS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Charges for the use of intellectual property royalties IPC
BH Any Any Services with abroad Telecommunications services TCS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Computer services ITS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Information services IFS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Research and development services RDS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Professional and management consulting services PMS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Technical, trade-related and other business services TTS
BH Any Any Services with abroad Personal, cultural, audiovisual and recreational services PRS
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Dividends intragroup IGD
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Interest on debt intragroup IID
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Profits on Islamic products PIP
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Profits or rents on real estate PRR
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Dividends on equity not intragroup DOE
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Income on investment funds shares ISH
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Interest on securities more than a year ISL
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Interest on securities less than a year ISS
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Income on loans IOL
BH Any Any Interest and profits with abroad Income on deposits IOD
BH Any Any Government Government goods and services embassies etc. GOD
BH Any Any Government Government related income taxes, tariffs, capital transfers, etc. GRI
BH Any Any Personal Charitable contributions (charity and aid) CHC
BH Any Any Personal Family support (workers’ remittances) FAM
BH Any Any Personal Salary (compensation of employees) SAL
BH Any Any Personal Purchase of real estate abroad from residents PPA
BH Any Any Personal Purchase of real estate in Bahrain from non-residents PPL
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Equity and investment fund shares for the establishment of new company from residents abroad, equity of merger or acquisition of companies abroad from residents and participation to capital increase of related companies abroad CEA
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Debt instruments intragroup foreign securities DSF
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Reverse equity share in Bahrain REL
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Reverse debt instruments in Bahrain RDL
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Equity other than investment fund shares in not related companies abroad FSA
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Investment fund shares foreign FIA
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities in not related companies (less than a year) DSA
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Purchases and sales of foreign debt securities in not related companies (more than a year) DLA
BH Any Any Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities abroad (above 10% share) Financial derivatives foreign FDA
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Debt instruments intragroup loans, deposits foreign (above 10% share) DLF
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Receipts or payments from personal residents bank account or deposits abroad AFA
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Loans: drawings or repayments on loans extended to non-residents (short-term) SLA
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Loans: drawings or repayments on loans extended to non-residents (long-term) LLA
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Leasing abroad LEA
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Repos on foreign securities RFS
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by residents of loans and deposits abroad Trade credits and advances receivable TCR
BH Any Any FDI flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (above 10% share) Equity and investment fund shares for the establishment of new company in Bahrain from non-residents, equity of merger or acquisition of companies in Bahrain from non-residents and participation to capital increase of related companies from non-residents in Bahrain CEL
BH Any Any FDI flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (above 10% share) Debt instruments intragroup securities in Bahrain LDS
BH Any Any FDI flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (above 10% share) Reverse equity share abroad REA
BH Any Any FDI flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (above 10% share) Reverse debt instruments abroad RDA
BH Any Any Portfolio investment flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (below 10% share) Equity other than investment fund shares in not related companies in Bahrain FSL
BH Any Any Portfolio investment flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (below 10% share) Investment fund shares in Bahrain FIL
BH Any Any Portfolio investment flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (below 10% share) Purchases and sales of securities issued by residents in not related companies (less than a year) DSL
BH Any Any Portfolio investment flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (below 10% share) Purchases and sales of securities issued by residents in not related companies (more than a year) DLL
BH Any Any Portfolio investment flows: acquisition and liquidation by residents of equity and securities in Bahrain (below 10% share) Financial derivatives in Bahrain FDL
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Debt instruments intragroup loans, deposits in Bahrain (above 10% share) LDL
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Receipts or payments from personal non-residents bank account in Bahrain AFL
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Loans: drawings or repayments on foreign loans extended to residents (short-term) SLL
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Loans: drawings or repayments on foreign loans extended to residents (long-term) LLL
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Leasing in Bahrain LEL
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Repos on securities issued by residents RLS
BH Any Any Lending: repayments and transfers by non-residents of loans and deposits in Bahrain Trade credits and advances payable TCP
JO Any Any Personal Invoice payment and purchase 0101
JO Any Any Personal Utility bill payment 0102
JO Any Any Personal Prepaid cards recharging 0103
JO Any Any Personal Standing orders 0104
JO Any Any Personal Personal donations 0105
JO Any Any Personal Family assistance and expenses 0106
JO Any Any Personal Individual social security subscription 0107
JO Any Any Personal Associations subscriptions 0108
JO Any Any Personal Saving and funding account 0109
JO Any Any Personal Heritance 0110
JO Any Any Personal End of service indemnity 0111
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Public sector employees salaries 0201
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Laborers salaries 0202
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Private sector staff salaries 0203
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Jordanian diplomatic staff salaries 0204
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Foreign diplomatic salaries 0205
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Overseas incoming salaries 0206
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Civil or military retirement salaries 0207
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Social security retirement salaries 0208
JO Any Any Salaries and wages Establishment social security subscription 0209
JO Any Any Investment remittances Investment revenues 0301
JO Any Any Investment remittances Brokerage investment 0302
JO Any Any Investment remittances Insurance 0303
JO Any Any Investment remittances Subscriptions to international nonmonetary organizations 0304
JO Any Any Investment remittances Local investment 0305
JO Any Any Investment remittances External investment 0306
JO Any Any Investment remittances Tender bond guarantee 0307
JO Any Any Transportation and tourism Air freight 0401
JO Any Any Transportation and tourism Land freight 0402
JO Any Any Transportation and tourism Sea freight 0403
JO Any Any Transportation and tourism Travel and tourism 0404
JO Any Any Training and delegation Governmental delegation transfers 0501
JO Any Any Training and delegation Private sector delegation transfers 0502
JO Any Any Training and delegation Governmental education 0503
JO Any Any Training and delegation Private sector education 0504
JO Any Any Import and export Public sector exportation 0601
JO Any Any Import and export Private sector exportation 0602
JO Any Any Import and export Public sector importation 0603
JO Any Any Import and export Private sector importation 0604
JO Any Any External aid Religious communities aid 0701
JO Any Any External aid International communities aid 0702
JO Any Any External aid Arab communities aid 0703
JO Any Any External aid UN aid 0704
JO Any Any External aid Charity communities aid 0705
JO Any Any Services Telecommunication services 0801
JO Any Any Services Financial services 0802
JO Any Any Services Information Technology services 0803
JO Any Any Services Consulting services 0804
JO Any Any Services Construction services 0805
JO Any Any Services Maintenance and assembling services 0806
JO Any Any Services Marketing and media services 0807
JO Any Any Services Mining services 0808
JO Any Any Services Medical and health services 0809
JO Any Any Services Cultural, educational and entertainment services 0810
JO Any Any Services Rental expenses 0811
JO Any Any Services Real estate 0812
JO Any Any Services Taxes 0813
JO Any Any Services Fees 0814
JO Any Any Services Commissions 0815
JO Any Any Services Franchise and license fees 0816
JO Any Any Services Cheque collection 0817
JO Any Any Services Membership fees 0818
JO Any Any Funding Municipality funds 0901
JO Any Any Funding Government funds 0902
JO Any Any Funding Private sector funds 0903
JO Any Any Funding External incoming funds 0904
JO Any Any Diplomacy International communities and embassies remittances 1001
JO Any Any Diplomacy Permanent diplomatic missions 1002
JO Any Any Diplomacy Temporary diplomatic missions 1003
JO Any Any Diplomacy Jordanian embassies income 1004
JO Any Any Loans Long-term loans installments (public sector) 1101
JO Any Any Loans Long-term loans interest installments (public sector) 1102
JO Any Any Loans Short-term loans installments (public sector) 1103
JO Any Any Loans Short-term loans interest installments (public sector) 1104
JO Any Any Loans Long-term loans installments (private sector) 1105
JO Any Any Loans Long-term loans interest installments (public sector) 1106
JO Any Any Loans Short-term loans installments (private sector) 1107
JO Any Any Loans Short-term loans interest installments (private sector) 1108
JO Any Any Loans Loans installments against governmental guarantee 1109
JO Any Any Loans Loans interest installments against governmental guarantee 1110
JO Any Any Loans Credit card payment 1111
JO Any Any Loans Personal loan payment 1112
JO Any Any General Rerouting 1201
JO Any Any General Scientific research support 1202
KE KES Any Income tax - residential individual 3100
KE KES Any Income tax - company 3001
KE KES Any Income tax - withholding 3200
KE KES Any Motor vehicle advance tax 3304
KE KES Any Monthly rental income tax 3101
KE KES Any Value Added Tax (VAT) 3514
KE KES Any Income tax - PAYE 2901
KE KES Any Stamp duty 4103
KE KES Any Standards levy 3801
KE KES Any VAT - withholding 3509
KE KES Any Withholding rental income 3103
KE KES Any State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy 4301
KE KES Any Import duty - oil 1001
KE KES Any Import duty 1002
KE KES Any Alteration fee 1501
KE KES Any Customs warehouse rent 1908
KE KES Any Excise duty - oils 1101
KE KES Any Excise duty 1102
KE KES Any VAT oils 1201
KE KES Any VAT imports 1202
KE KES Any VAT oils - 8% 1206
KE KES Any IDF/Public Investment Fund (PIF) oil 1802
KE KES Any Merchant shipping superintendent (MSS) levy - oils 6402
KE KES Any Concession fees 1518
KE KES Any IDF fees (2.0%) 1801
KE KES Any Transhipment fee 1527
KE KES Any Kenya Railway Development Levy (RDL) - oils 6002
KE KES Any Sale of single number plate 6101
KE KES Any Sale of pair of number plates 6102
KE KES Any Transfer fees for motor vehicle registration 6301
KE KES Any Registration fees 1519
KE KES Any Road safety fund 6501
KE KES Any Merchant shipping superintendent levy 6401
KE KES Any Second hand motor vehicles (SHMV) purchase tax 6601
KE KES Any Road Maintenance Levy (RML) 2101
KE KES Any Petroleum Regulatory Levy (PRL) 2301
KE KES Any Gross payment - Petroleum Development Fund (PDF) 2501
KE KES Any Kenya Railway Development Levy (RDL) 6001
KE KES Any Import health certificate 4601
KE KES Any Nuts and oils import declaration form 4702
KE KES Any National Industrial Training Authority 512
KE KES Any Advance tax ADTX
KE KES Any Agency revenue ARTX
KE KES Any Betting tax BTTX
KE KES Any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) CGTX
KE KES Any Corporate tax identification COTX
KE KES Any Excise duty EDTX
KE KES Any Income tax INTX
KE KES Any Instalment tax ISTX
KE KES Any Pay As You Earn (PAYE) PAYE
KE KES Any Rental income tax RITX
KE KES Any Stamp duty SDTX
KE KES Any Tax refund TAXR
KE KES Any Tax payment TAXS
KE KES Any Turnover tax TOTX
KE KES Any Removed from tracking TRAC
KE KES Any Value Added Tax (VAT) payment VATX
KE KES Any Withholding WHLD
KE KES Any Salary payment SALA
KE KES Any Savings SAVG
KE KES Any Insurance premium INSU
KE KES Any Foreign exchange FOEX
KE KES Any Education expenses EDUC
KE KES Any License fee LICF
KE KES Any Penalties PENA
KE KES Any Air transport AIRB
KE KES Any Cost and freight CFR
KE KES Any Railway RLWY
KE KES Any Shipping SHIP
KE KES Any Telecommunications bill TBIL
KE KES Any Health insurance HLTI
KE KES Any Insurance premium car INPC
KE KES Any Life insurance LIFI
KE KES Any Property insurance PPTI
KE KES Any Vehicle identification plate number VIPN
KE KES Any Investment and securities INVS
KE KES Any Government payment GOVT
KE KES Any Overnight ONCL
KE KES Any Interest INTE
KE KES Any Refund REFU
KE KES Any Licence fees for commercial banks PL39
KE KES Any Licence fees mortgage financial institutions PL43
KE KES Any Licence fees deposit micro institutions PL40
KE KES Any Licence fees forex bureaus PL41
KE KES Any Licence fees credit reference bureaus PL42
KE KES Any Applications fees for commercial banks PL44
KE KES Any Applications fees depo. tak. institutions PL46
KE KES Any Application fees forex bureaus PL47
KE KES Any Application fees credit reference bureaus PL48
KE KES Any Penalties commercial banks PL49
KE KES Any Application fees for mortgage financial institutions PL45
KE KES Any Penalties forex bureaus PL52
KE KES Any Penalties deposit taking micro institutions PL51
KE KES Any Penalties credit reference bureaus PL53
KE KES Any Penalties mortgage financial institutions PL50
KE KES Any Medical services MDCS
KE KES Any Medical aid fund contribution MAFC
KE KES Any Purchase of food and household goods HLFD
KE KES Any Child benefit BECH
KE KES Any Utilities UBIL
KE KES Any Ceremonies CERE
KE KES Any Religious activities RELG
KE KES Any Farming FARM
KE KES Any Clothing CLOT
KE KES Any Community development COMU
KE KES Any Construction activities CONS
KE KES Any Machinery related MACH
KE KES Any Fuel expenses FUEL
KE KES Any Government related payments and transfers GOKX
KE KES Any Charitable contributions (charity and aid) CHC
KE KES Any Vostro payments VOST