About implementation

Learn more about the process of integrating with Equals Money.


This page is intended for business analysts, implementation managers, software engineers or sales/relationship managers who are integrating into the Equals Money system and API set.

Implementation team purpose

The implementation team at Equals Money exists to serve three main purposes.

Firstly, to ensure the quality of integration from customers with the Equals Money platform is as good, solid, and reliable as it can be. We aim to ensure longevity and high-quality implementation via documentation, support, and assistance where necessary.

Secondly, to ensure that integrations can be as smooth as possible and that our customers get the support they need.

Lastly, the implementation team also serves as a key feedback point back into the Equals Money business for improvements. Documentation, API calls, processes, security, and systems can all be improved by giving your feedback to your implementation manager during the process.

The implementation manager’s role

Once assigned, your implementation manager will either contact you directly or will be introduced by a sales or a relationship manager.

The implementation manager will host a kick-off meeting with you to start the integration process. They'll supply access to the sandbox environment (if not already provided), so you can integrate with our test systems. You'll maintain access to this environment permanently.

The implementation manager will provide additional documentation and test scripts to help you integrate, as well as creating a Slack channel where you'll be able to raise any integration queries.

The implementation manager will request to schedule regular meetings with you to track progress (usually on a weekly basis).

Once you've reviewed the documentation, have access to the sandbox environment, and are ready to scope the development work needed to integrate, the implementation manager will attempt to agree a target go-live date. They will also issue a task list project plan detailing the tasks required to reach that goal.

The implementation manager will be assigned to your integration throughout. They'll be with you from introduction, to setup and development, all the way to go-live.

Once live, and after a round of production validation, you'll pass all queries, questions, and incidents on to your production support team. The implementation manager will remain involved in the background during early life support. This is a hyper care period lasting following go-live that will ensure a smooth rollout and handover to the production support team.

The sales/account manager’s role

During technical implementation and system setup, the sales or account manager will work with you, in parallel with the implementation manager, to complete contracts and any due diligence processes. Although the implementation manager and sales or account manager have different functions and responsibilities, they'll work together as a team to help ensure that you get through all processes and into production as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Customer expectations

You should have the correct make-up of staff, time, and availability to complete your integration. The relevant, competent staff will be needed to integrate, and complete due diligence and onboarding steps.

Staff involvement and resource levels are not mandated. However, we recommend having engineering resources, business analysis, and project management skills or roles. For onboarding and contracts, commercially-focused contacts are generally required.

You'll be expected to be able to supply the right skill sets in order to complete integration properly, as per documentation and guidance.

Implementation flow diagram

The following diagram describes the high-level flow of an implementation with Equals Money. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Diagram showing the different steps involved in the implementation process

High-level implementation steps

The following implementation high-level stages will be found in the standard implementation task list or plans that the implementation manager shares with you.

Step 1: initiation

When your project is initiated, you will have a kick-off call with your implementation manager and they’ll ensure that you have the necessary documentation. This phase may also involve additional, more detailed scoping and sizing of what is being done. They will check that there are no requirements or challenges not captured so far.

During this phase, your implementation manager will also set up an internal/external Slack channel with you (or other communication channels if needed). If possible, they'll share a project plan to capture all necessary steps and an idea of go-live dates.

Step 2: due diligence and onboarding

Where possible, any needed due diligence at Equals Money will be completed in parallel with the implementation process, in order to avoid delaying integrations. The sales or account managers will assist you through any necessary due diligence requirements for your account. They'll also work on any client contracts to ensure that everything is signed, agreed, and ready to go before your go-live date.

Step 3: development

When you begin the development phase, you’ll start by building out your integration with the Equals Money sandbox. The implementation manager will be on-hand via regular calls and Slack (or other channels) to answer any questions and to track your progress.

Step 4: certification and testing

Once you've completed your integration with the Equals Money sandbox, you’ll be asked to fill out a certification sheet and return it to your implementation manager. This is designed to be a check on the quality and reliability of your API integration. The sheet consists of running through various "happy" and "unhappy" path scenarios on the API calls (with the JSON request/response bodies) in your integration. The implementation manager will run a check to ensure that the messages being sent and received are correct, and that the system performs properly. Once passed, you'll be provided with confirmation that you are ready to move on to production readiness.

Step 5: production readiness and production validation

After testing, your implementation manager will work with you on production setup. They will organise a presentation on live support and incident management. At this point, your implementation manager will securely transfer your production API credentials to you. If migration work is needed, your implementation manager will assist you.

Step 6: early life support

After go-live and validation on production tests, you'll work directly with your account manager and support teams to resolve any incidents or problems. At the start of your go-live period, you'll enter a period known as early life support during which your implementation manager will stay assigned to your integration. Early life support will last an agreed length of time (typically two weeks).

Step 7: process close

After you're promoted out of early life support, the implementation manager will close the project. At this point, you will already have been handed over to your account manager for ongoing support. To improve the system, documentation, and service further, the implementation manager may ask for some suggestions and feedback once this final phase is complete.