Testing checklist

Before you go live, we recommend that you complete the following testing checklist.

Test Endpoint Task
Create a new virtual card for an individual /v2/cards?accountId={accountId} Create a new individual card for a specific person. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly. Include all of the fields intended for production.
Create a new virtual card for a budget /v2/cards?accountId={accountId} Create a new shared card associated with a budget. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly. Include all fields intended for production.
Activate a card /v2/cards/{cardId}/transition?accountId={accountId}&personId={personId} Update the status of a newly-created card to ACTIVE. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly.
Convert a virtual card into a physical one /v2/cards/{cardId}/convert-to-physical?accountId={accountId}&personId={personId} Convert an existing virtual card into a physical one. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly.
Set up the card webhook /v2/webhooks Receive and verify the CardTransaction notification webhook.
List all cards /v2/cards?accountId={accountId} Get a list of all cards associated with your accounts. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly.
Retrieve a card's details /v2/cards/{cardId}?accountId={accountId}&personId={personId} Get details for one particular card. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly.
Retrieve a card's sensitive data /v2/cards/{cardId}/access-token?accountId={accountId} Request a token and confirm that you can successfully use this token to log into Marqeta's sensitive data widget service.
Update a card's details /v2/cards/{cardId}?accountId={accountId} Update the details of an existing card. Include all of the fields that would be sent in production and ensure graceful handling of JSON response within your app.
Retrieve a card's PIN /v2/cards/{cardId}/pin?accountId={accountId}&personId={personId}&cardholderVerificationMethod={cardholderVerificationMethod} Check that you can retrieve an existing card's PIN. Run for physical cards only, but for both individual and shared budget cards. Ensure that the JSON response is received, and that the PIN is parsed and handled gracefully by your app.
Update a card's PIN /v2/cards/{cardId}/pin?accountId={accountId}&personId={personId} Update an existing card's PIN. Check that the JSON response is received and parsed correctly.