About card states

Learn about the possible states that a card can go through.


For information about digital wallet token states, see About digital wallet tokens.

Virtual card states

State Description
UNACTIVATED The card has been created, but not been activated yet. It can't be used for any transactions. This is the initial status for all physical and virtual cards.
ACTIVE The card has been activated and is ready to be used. For a virtual card, this means that the card details have been viewed.
REPLACED A replacement card has been ordered for this card. For example, if the card has expired. This card has been REPLACED and can no longer be used. Any associated digital wallet token has also been REPLACED.
SUSPENDED The card's state was updated from ACTIVE to SUSPENDED, using the API. The card can't be used in the suspended state, but could be used again if its state is changed back to active.
TERMINATED The card has been terminated and can no longer be used. Any associated digital wallet token has also been TERMINATED. This is a final status.

Physical card states

State Description
UNACTIVATED The card has been created, but not been activated yet. It can't be used for any transactions. This is the initial status for all physical and virtual cards.
ACTIVE The card has been activated and is ready to be used. For a physical card, this means that the PIN has been used at an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or card terminal. The virtual card has now been TERMINATED.
REPLACED A replacement card has been ordered for this card. For example, if the card is lost, stolen, or damaged, or has expired. This card has been REPLACED and can no longer be used. Any associated digital wallet token has also been REPLACED.
SUSPENDED The card's state was updated from ACTIVE to SUSPENDED, using the API. The card can't be used in the suspended state, but could be used again if its state is changed back to active.
TERMINATED The card has been terminated and can no longer be used. Any associated digital wallet token has also been TERMINATED. This is a final status.