About budget configuration

Learn about budget payee names and budget features.

Budget payee names

There are two possible ways to configure the payee name associated with a budget's settlement details. You can either choose to use the account name across all budgets, or simply use the budget's own name.


Please speak to your account manager during onboarding to determine which option makes the most sense for your business.

Budget features

Budgets have different features, which determine what they can be used for.


Only features that are enabled at the account level can be enabled on a budget.

Field name Description
feature.payments If true, the budget can be used for payments. By default, this is enabled on your accountBalance if the payments feature is enabled on your account. You can choose whether or not to enable it when you create a sub-budget or update a budget's details.
feature.peopleCards If true, the budget can be used with cards that are associated with people. This applies to both individual and shared budgets. By default, this is enabled on your accountBalance if the cards feature is enabled on your account. You can choose whether or not to enable it when you create a sub-budget or update a budget's details.
feature.budgetCards If true, the budget can be used with shared cards. This applies to shared budgets only. By default, this is enabled on your accountBalance if the cards feature is enabled on your account. You can choose whether or not to enable it when you create a sub-budget or update a budget's details.
allowCurrencyAlignment If true, the cardholder can pay in a currency that is different from the budget's currency, with Equals Money doing the conversion. By default, this is set to false. You can enable this feature by updating a budget's details. Note that sub-budgets will inherit their parent budget's setting.