Step 4: retrieve account details
This request is similar to the previous one, but can be used when you already know which account you'd like more information about. It includes optional query parameters, which return additional information in the response.
Let's see which addresses
are linked to your account and find out more about the market
it operates in.
curl -i -X GET '{accountId}?include=addresses,market' \ # The ID of your newly-created account
-H 'Authorization: ApiKey {ApiKey}' \ # Your API key
curl -i -X GET '{accountId}?include=addresses,market' \ # The ID of your newly-created account
-H 'Authorization: ApiKey {ApiKey}' \ # Your API key
If your request is successful, you'll receive a 200
"id": "F12345",
"productId": "d926625b-5e11-4ec1-b4cd-0af2a8021efc",
"marketId": "091505ff-55e1-11ed-9dd3-06e3d0fbf8b0",
"bankEntity": "CITI",
"type": "Business",
"status": "active",
"primaryOwnerPersonaId": "3e0904b6-2d7c-433b-80fd-547261776c63",
"termsAccepted": true,
"privacyAccepted": true,
"salesperson": "Equals Money",
"accountManager": "Equals Money",
"solutions": false,
"createdAt": "2023-10-02T10:29:29.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-02T10:31:01.000Z",
"business": {
"logo": {
"url": "",
"fileName": ""
"accountId": "F12345",
"name": "ACME II",
"countryOfRegistration": "",
"companyType": "ltd",
"companiesHouseId": "1234567890",
"telephoneNumber": "+47481280253",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"registeredName": "ACME II",
"fourthLine": null,
"tradingName": "ACME II",
"website": "",
"industry": "",
"createdAt": "2023-10-02T10:29:29.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-02T10:29:29.000Z"
"personal": null,
"features": {
"id": "77ef49e9-0bc7-4dbd-aa82-09f241b42bf2",
"cards": false,
"physicalCards": "inactive",
"virtualCards": "inactive",
"microCorp": false,
"payments": true,
"sharedCardProductId": null,
"individualVirtualCardProductId": null,
"individualPhysicalCardProductId": null,
"useBalanceName": false,
"forwardContracts": false,
"sourceOfBalance": "boxes",
"cardsIndividualType": "prepaid",
"cardsSharedType": "prepaid",
"statementsFrom": "2023-10-02T10:29:50.000Z",
"selfApprove": false,
"apiIgnorePaymentApproval": true,
"moveMoneyRequests": false,
"subBalances": false,
"createdAt": "2023-10-02T10:18:44.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-02T10:18:44.000Z"
"addresses": [
"id": "43283d24-ac31-4df3-814d-4753ea62b3c1",
"type": "registered",
"nickName": "Main address",
"addressLine1": "1556 S. Michigan Avenue",
"addressLine2": "Floor 2",
"addressLine3": "",
"addressContact": "",
"city": "Chicago",
"postcode": "60605",
"country": ""
"market": {
"id": "091505ff-55e1-11ed-9dd3-06e3d0fbf8b0",
"name": "UK",
"bank": null,
"baseCurrencyId": "f265670c-ff81-444b-9fe2-9c646c082fa2",
"atmWithdrawalFee": 1.5,
"createdAt": "2022-10-27T10:20:52.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-03T10:16:57.000Z",
"baseCurrency": {
"id": "f265670c-ff81-444b-9fe2-9c646c082fa2",
"code": "GBP",
"name": "Pound Sterling"
For more information about the parameters available, see the API reference.