About account currencies

Learn about the different currencies that you can receive, send or exchange into, and hold, depending on your account's market.

You can check your market by calling the retrieve account details endpoint with include=market in your query.


For more information about how we define which banks and bank details are used when sending payments, see About payment routing.


If you're using a non-default setup (e.g., using pooled accounts rather than Equals Money IBANs to receive your payments), then the currencies that you can send, receive, or hold may be different from the lists on this page. Please contact your sales or implementation representative to confirm.

Receiving currencies

When using the Equals Money multi-currency IBANs and default system setup, you can receive payments in up to 38 currencies.


Depending on your bank, you may not have access to the full range of currencies that we offer. If you're unsure, please contact your account manager.

Sending currencies

When using the Equals Money multi-currency IBANs and default system setup, you can send payments in up to 60 currencies.


Depending on your bank, you may not have access to the full range of currencies that we offer. If you're unsure, please contact your account manager.


The following list is subject to change, depending on banking and market conditions outside of the control of Equals Money. If this were to happen, your account manager would contact you to advise further.

Holding currencies

You can temporarily exchange into any of the currencies you can send based on your market, without immediately requesting an outgoing payment — as long you intend to send a payment within a reasonable timeframe afterwards. Equals Money does not support holding any currencies long-term.


Due to banking restrictions, there are limitations on handling Indian Rupee (INR) payments into India via the Equals Money API. Currently, you will be unable to buy Indian Rupees using the API and any attempts to quote for Indian Rupee will result in an error. If you wish to buy and send Indian Rupee payments, please speak with your account manager.