Returns a list of cards on an account, ordered in alphabetical order by card name.
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{- "limit": 200,
- "offset": 100,
- "count": 67,
- "search": "Cesar+Treutel",
- "rows": [
- {
- "id": "e9293471-5eb3-4dbc-916c-dbaf9e2deefd",
- "personId": "775596ae-2624-40af-a9dc-9756110a4a04",
- "accountId": "F50091",
- "careOfLine": "string",
- "cardProductName": "string",
- "lastFour": "0056",
- "expiration": "0111",
- "expirationTime": "2025-01-31T23:59:59Z",
- "pinIsSet": true,
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "stateReason": "New card",
- "fulfillmentStatus": "ISSUED",
- "cardType": "PHYSICAL_MSR",
- "recipientAddress": {
- "firstName": "Jane",
- "middleName": "Roger",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "address1": "123 Henry St",
- "address2": "Suite 101",
- "city": "Porterville",
- "state": "CA",
- "postalCode": "93257",
- "country": "US",
- "phone": "831555555"
}, - "cardOwnerType": "PEOPLE",
- "name": "Team Party Card",
- "budgetCardPhoneNumber": "+447911001762",
- "meta": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "cardId": "e9293471-5eb3-4dbc-916c-dbaf9e2deefd",
- "CardId": "e9293471-5eb3-4dbc-916c-dbaf9e2deefd",
- "metaKey": "expirationTime",
- "metaValue": "New card",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "budgets": [
- {
- "id": "775596ae-2624-40af-a9dc-9756110a4a03",
- "name": "Engineering"
], - "budget": {
- "id": "775596ae-2624-40af-a9dc-9756110a4a03",
- "name": "Engineering"
}, - "spendingLimit": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "amount": 100.5,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "active": true,
- "limitTurnedOff": true,
- "limitWindow": "DAY",
- "available": {
- "uses": 0,
- "amount": 100.5,
- "daysRemaining": 1
}, - "transactionLimit": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "amount": 100.5,
- "currencyCode": "GBP",
- "active": true,
- "limitTurnedOff": true,
- "limitWindow": "TRANSACTION"
}, - "budgetCardPhoneNumberPersonId": "3f0ed336-6bdd-4498-b45f-514a625c72e1",
- "previousCards": [
- null
], - "currencies": [
- {
- "numericCode": "840",
- "code": "USD"
], - "physicalCardState": "ACTIVE",
- "physicalCardId": "98e7d110-00ea-45f1-9af7-2dac397a7138",
- "forceChangePin": true,
- "cardGroupId": "ef3dcbc9-9ad4-44c0-8d75-217d31da37b8",
- "cardProductId": "06776ac8-abe1-475b-92ee-72405c7b0e60",
- "cardProductToken": "2f224848-4191-4180-a090-3926042e4b39",
- "userTokenId": "187f5207-de0b-4f4e-9b90-d50d6a251c6b",
- "cardPersonalization": {
- "text": {
- "nameLine_1": {
- "value": "string"
}, - "nameLine_2": {
- "value": "string"
}, - "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"